Wolf Moon

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Archer POV:

         I have been sitting in Scott's room for the last hour watching him untie and retie his lacrosse stick, listening to his plans for sophomore year. Be first line for lacrosse, get a girlfriend and be popular. Quite the cliche, but what can you do? Stiles and I have been helping him practice all summer, and he has gotten better... Not great. But definitely better. If it wasn't for his asthma he would be a shoe in for the first line but unfortunately we both have asthma. I have never been big on sports so it doesn't affect my goals for sophomore year as it does him. Which by the way, consist of passing all classes and adding AP English to my schedule for Junior year.

While pretending to listen but actually reading my book on his bed, we hear a loud thump coming from outside. "What was that?" Scott whispers while dropping his lacrosse stick beside me and getting up to go downstairs to check it out. He grabs the bat mom keeps by the front door and goes outside. Following him, I hide behind him as we make our way outside and around the porch. While he is looking around with the bat in the air ready to strike I spot a familiar Jeep parked in the driveway.

I grin as we continue to make our way around the porch and we see a pair of legs dangling from the roof. Already knowing this isn't going to end well I step back a bit and watch with a smile. Both Scott and Stiles let out ear piercing screams while Scott almost hits Stiles, causing him to slip and fall to the ground.

"Oh god, are you okay?" I run to Stiles and help him up trying to hide my giggles. He starts brushing off some dirt from his zip up and mumbles a thank you. "Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" My brother says while resting the bat down. Stiles looks to me, to Scott and then to the bat in his hand. "Neither of you were answering your phone! Why do you have a bat?" He says with wide eyes. "Mine is dead and I was in Scott's room. We thought you were a predator!" I say while throwing my arms out to the side. Stiles looks confused and scoffs, crossing his arms over each other while changing to subject.

"Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. They are bringing in every available officer from the Beacon Department and even the state police." Looking at Stiles slightly intrigued  I encourage him to continue. Stiles looks as though he cannot hold in his excitement while continuing "Two joggers found a dead body." He says, smiling wide. A look of confusion is displayed across mine and my twin's face as we look at eachother.

Scott looks at stiles "A dead body?" my twin reiterates, I snicker at his obliviousness while Stiles leans against the pole on the porch with a sarcastic look on his face. "No a body of water. YES a dead body, dumbass." He says, rolling his eyes causing me to laugh. Looking at Stiles I asked him "You mean, like they were murdered?" "Nobody knows yet. They just know that it's a girl in her twenties." Stiles' smile is reaching across his face looking way too excited about his next sentence. "The best part? They only found half!" He says while doing a little jump and claps with his hands. I look at my twin who has a skeptical look on his face. Stiles links his arms in our "We are going McCall twins." and starts walking us towards his Jeep, ignoring our protests.

After climbing in the back of the jeep and driving to the Preserve Stiles and Scott get out, letting me out of the Jeep. "How come you always get to sit in the front?" I pout as I jump to the ground. "Because, I am Stiles' best friend... And I'm older" My twin reasons. "By two minutes." I mumble kicking at the dirt. Stiles grabs a flash light from the back and then something from the glove box before we start to walk into the woods, with Scott and I following behind. About 10 minutes into our walk I start to get chilly as I am only in my black yoga pants, a short sleeve Beacon Hills t-shirt I stole from Scott. "Ar wear this" Stiles says while starting to take off his zip up and wraps it around my arms. I am immediately engulfed in his scent. It's still warm from his body heat. I blush and mumble a small thank you while zipping it up. He smiles my way before turning around and continuing forward.

Fur, Fangs and Forbidden Feelings/ S.S Teenwolf rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now