Lust Potion~

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Harry's POV(during the hot makeout session~)

"Lift your hips, love~"

Did he just call me love? Now I'm even more turned on . I kissed Draco just to distract him and let me go from his grip . But that backfired . Not that I'm complaining.

He lifted me up and pinned me against the wall .
I was high on lust at that point . I wanted to leave , but i was held in place by Draco .Merlin, he's making me feel so good right right now.

"You sure about this, love? "
I nodded because I didn't trust my voice at that time .
"Words, love~" he said with his sudden husky voice.
"Y-yes" I stuttered .
He did all the work and didn't let me do anything .
"Shouldn't you also feel good,baby?" I asked with my sudden confidence. His eyes widened and smirked at me .
"Your existence is enough to turn me on , love~"he answered cockily .

Well that made me melt , he's so sexy when he's in control~.
But i couldn't be the only one who benefits from this , i shook my head in disagreement . But suddenly, he bit my neck , leaving a mark . I gasped and didn't care about anything anymore at that moment. I was in ecstasy by what he's doing to me . ........


Oh my god , i can't believe it . I just wanted to see him but that escalated quickly from there .
But the things he did to me was so pleasurable that i forgot about my friends . I ran out of his room before something big happened . I'm blushing so hard right now .

The way he payed attention to me when I talked and asked permission before doing anything was so hot .He had a dark gleam in his eyes which always made me weak in the knees and hard under ther-

Anyways , i rushed back to the common room and showered and wanked my self off because I was still hard from the hot snogging session that took place a few hours ago . I panted after my third climax because each time I finished , my mind goes back to the events and i become hard again . I'm gonna keep that image in my head for future wankings .

I slumped in my warm bed , i was exhausted. I need lots of rest to face Draco tomorrow. What will become of us now ? What are we? . I cut off the questions in my head and drifted off to a deep slumber .
The next day....

I woke up surprisingly early and got ready . I took extra care on my appearance today because why not?
I met up with Ron and Hermione , who were displaying their PDA already. I cleared my throat and they finally noticed me after their intense snogging . Ron looked out of breath and Hermione was blushing slightly .

"When should I send out invites for the wedding?" I asked them casually .

"Shut up , Harry" Hermione retorted .

Ron was chuckling slightly , which resulted a punch in the arm by Hermione .
We all bursted with laughter a second later . That's the Golden trio for you .
We reached the Halls and breakfast was already served . I instantly scanned the room for Draco and saw him , laughing and talking with Pansy with a smile on his face. His adorable smile .

But seconds later , he looked over at me and grinned , waving at me . I waved back with the same grin .

Hermione noticed the secret greeting, while Ron was devouring the sausages and waffles.
Harry mouthed 'later' when Hermione gave him a cheeky look . She nodded and looked at Ron , smiling slightly .

I couldn't keep my eyes off of Draco, which he reciprocated by staring back with a smile .

Breakfast time was over . Classes started and everyone went on their own ways , waving goodbye at friends from other houses . I went to the first half of classes until Double Potions arrived with the Slytherins . I was excited to meet Draco after the tiring lessons and went early . I was greeted by Draco at the door , who pulled me into him and kissed me passionately. I kissed back after the surprise wore off .

"Hi " he greeted breathlessly.
"I wanted to talk to you about us "
"What is it?" I asked even though I knew perfectly what he was talking about .
"It's - " before he could finish , he was interrupted by the students entering the dungeon . We both pulled away from each other and sat in our seats .

Snape arrived shortly after everyone settled down their designated seats .
"I have a unique assignment for you to do . It's a group project , done with the people next to you .
You all each are going to pick up a piece of parchment from this cauldron" he pointed to the one near him
" And brew the potion written in the paper, all the potions have given instructions in your textbooks " he called each student from a group one by one and told them to take one .

He called Draco from our group and he went up Snape's desk and carefully took a piece of parchment. He opened it and his eyes widened . What was the potion ? Was it a complex one? Why does he look surprised?

He came back and sat in his seat and gave me the parchment to read the name of our potion with no words expressed . I gasped . In the paper , it was written in a neat curvy handwriting.

"lust potion" .

Fuck .

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