Jealousy in the air (RonXHermione)

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Hermione's POV

I have been noticing something strange going on with Harry for the past couple of days. It wasn't bad , in fact it was a good kind of strange . He looked more cheerful since the war and that makes me happy and also confused . I don't know what or who is the source of Harry's sudden happiness but i can guess .

 I mean it is so obvious that he's been on good terms with Draco Malfoy because there was less bickering between them and i have noticed their eye fucking , come on , who hasn't ? . 

Even Ron (who has the brain of a toad) has noticed something between them . But he still hasn't caught on , Idiot . And sometimes i get too annoyed of his obliviousness . i have sent HUNDREDS of signals hinting that i fancy him , but that  idiot doesn't get it past his thick skull . I sometimes think i am surrounded by Idiots (the lion king joke , hee hee).

I was peacefully revising my notes for a Charms test that was coming up (which Ron  was supposed to be doing with me ) in the library , when Harry showed up with a huge grin plastered across his face . 

"hey Mione" said Harry

" who's got you smiling so wide like that?" i asked with a smirk .

"no one " he mumbled quickly .

"Harry, you know you can tell me right ?. i mean i already got it figured out, but still i want to hear it from you"  

"i know Mione, and wait a minute .. what do you mean you figured it out ?"

I tried sooo hard to not roll my eyes ."They call me the top in our year for a reason and besides, you both are SO obvious " i exclaimed in annoyance .

He grinned at me and put his head down my shoulder(he always does that) " yeah... Draco really makes me happy " he said .

I smiled and looked down at him .

 If he's happy then i'm happy .

"And anyways let's talk about you. Is anything progressing with Ron and you?" he asked me out of the blue .

"No , he's too dumb to understand my signals " i sighed .

"why don't you tell him directly?" he suggested .

"I have been kinda scared to hear his answer" i admitted to him .

"TRUST ME , i don't think he will say n-"

"What the bloody Merlin's chicken,are you guys doing ?!?"
Ron has just entered the library and spotted us together . He looked furious and was fuming with rage. He looked scary .

"Ron , it's not what it looks like " i protested .

"I saw everything I needed to see " he yelled angrily . Then he stormed off , I told Harry i was gonna go after him , he gave me comforting hug and i ran out of there to find him .

I searched the whole Hogwarts castle and finally found him after an hour .  He was outside, near the lake where he was throwing pebbles one by one , with a sad look on his face .

I went and sat near him and we sat in silence which stretched for a good few moments until he asked me in a surprisingly calm, but a little shaky voice.

"Are you and Harry a thing ?"

"No Ron, and anyways why do you care?" I asked him with a question which I have been meaning to ask .

"Because i lik- never mind " he shook his head .

"Ron , i know you are too scared to admit it so i am gonna say it . You were jealous " i bluntly said to him .

He looked surprised at my boldness and i have to admit , i was too .

"Maybe I was a little . That's because I - " he hesitated then straightened up a little

"I like you Hermione , scratch that , I Love You . Since forever " he exclaimed and sighed . He looked like a huge weight has been lifted of his chest .

"FINALLY " I yelled and threw myself on him and let our lips interlock .

It took him awhile to process what I did and he  instantly kissed me back . He took my neck and made the kiss deeper . He then asked entrance for his tongue and i allowed him , we were both fighting for dominance . Ron gave in to me  and i lead the kiss in even deeper .

It turned very sloppy, but we both didn't dare to stop . After a long time of snogging , i finally broke apart to catch my breath .Ron was heavily panting , but he was looking at me with a gleam in his eyes .

"Be my boyfriend, Ron Weasley?" I asked him with my newfound courage .

"Obviously, Hermione Granger" he replied .

We both laughed and sat there for a while before going back inside, holding hands .

Now i know how Harry feels .

And CUT . That was good . I hope you like the Ronmione ship based chapter , i just felt like to add another couple .  I have portrayed Hermione as the dominant one . I'm still not satisfied with the intense scenes but I am learning , i will improve on the way . Thank you for reading .

Drastic Changes~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ