"Green apples, expensive cologne and hair product "

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Harry's POV

I can't believe it, my STUPID ,IDIOTIC, SHAMELESS SELF ran out on Malfoy .

But I became nervous and it felt awkward.
I slapped my forehead . Well done , Harry , you made the Gryffindors proud .

The next day

I went for breakfast in the Great Hall . I looked out everywhere for a specific blonde boy , but he didn't show up .

Was he disgusted by last night?

I went to my regular classes and didn't pay attention to any one of them . I kept worrying about Draco Malfoy , which resulted in getting yelled at by ProfessorMcGonagall and 5 points taken away from Gryffindor, but I didn't care .
We were still in the lead for winning the House Cup.

Then It was time to go for Potions class, which I was looking forward to , for the first time in my life . I was expecting to meet Draco there , because Potions was with Slytherins, and I know he will not skip his favourite class.

I went to the dungeons a little early before class started and I saw Draco was the only one there.
He was reading the Potions textbook .

I cleared my throat and made him acknowledge my presence. He looked up and saw me at tthe door and smirked which made me really conscious . Then he looked back into his textbook and continued reading , pretending I wasn't even there .

I went up to him and put my both hands in my pockets "Hey Malfoy" I said .
He didn't look up at me . He was teasing me until I blew up .

"Draco?" but then realised what I did.
I said his name for the first time.

I saw him stagger when I said his name and finally acknowledged my presence , with his eyes so wide that his eyelids disappeared.

I tensed under his gaze.
" Now I got your attention" I smirked
He immediately dropped his face and became his usual self .

"Oh , hey Harry "
I flinched . I looked away from him and blushed like crazy . He called me by my first name .

" Was that your try to lighten the mood?" He mocked me , refering to last night

"Yeah.." then we stared at each other before bursting into fits of laughter .

Before we could talk , students started entering the room and instinctively sat near Draco.

He looked surprised but i gave him a desperate look which he understood.
Students gave us weird looks but Draco gave them a glare and they instantly looked away.

Then to my utmost embarrassment , Ron and Hermione walked in and saw me sitting with Draco.

Ron looked at me in utter disbelief and shock while strangely , Hermione smirked with a knowing look .

Then at last Snape appeared with his usual bored yet stern expression . "We will be learning about love potions today, do any one of you know the name of the most powerful love potion in wizarding world?" he asked .

Not surprisingly, Hermione's hand shot up instantly . He ignored her at first and checked of anyone else raised their hand but found none , so he gave up "Yes, Miss Granger?" he said lazily.

"It's called Amortentia " she said with a bright look on her face . Ron gazed at her . But not surprisingly , Snape didn't give her points .He continued

" Amortentia has a unique feature . it's smell differs from person to person to who they are attracted to , hence i would like you to brew Amortentia and write a list the things you smell and exchange it with the person next to you " said Snape with a quick glance at Draco And Harry , who didn't seem to notice because they were looking opposite of each other with slightly red faces .

'Shit', I thought.

I stood up and grabbed the ingredients needed for the potion and Draco brewed the potion in silence , once in a while i glanced at him and he would glance at me too , which i pretended i didn't notice . Then the moment came for us to write what we smelled.

I took a sniff and smelled " green apples, expensive cologne and hair product"

Merlin, it definitely smelled like Draco .I glanced at him and saw his shocked expression when he took a sniff of his potion.

He then glanced at me and froze, he trapped me in a bubble around us with his mystic stare . I popped our bubble by looking away.

We both furiously wrote what we smelt and hesitantly exchanged it with each other.

I looked at the parchment in shock.He wrote "cinnamon, caramel and broomsticks" . What ? Who could that possibly be?

I gazed at him and was surprised when he was already looking at me with a confused expression . We both held eye contact for Merlin knows how long , until Snape cleared his throat and addressed them to pay attention .

" Students , i will now choose one of you to come up here and tell what your partner wrote " he looked around the wave of students and locked eyes with Harry and smirked " Why don't we let Mr Potter say what his partner have wrote , which I assume is Mr Malfoy?" .

I gulped and hesitantly went up the front of the class and said "Cinnamon, broomsticks and caramel " . I looked at Draco while saying this . He looked nervous , but he didn't dare break eye contact . Snape had a gleeful look on his face and Hermione is laughing under her breath.
Ron looks confused just like the rest of the students . There was an awkward silence , then Snape broke it .

" Alright Mr Potter, you may return back to your seat".

Before Harry could go sit , Class was over and everyone started dispersing and murmuring about Draco's crush . Draco packed his books and ran off .

Harry just stood there and thought
"Who does Draco fancy?"

Sooo... Who do you think is Draco's crush ?
Tell me your guesses since oblivious Harry has NO CLUE who it is . Thank you for reading .

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