"Who's There?"

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Harry's POV

After the delicious feast, I followed the other Gryffindors to the our common room . Everyone started settling themselves in red armchairs and beanbags, but I felt too tired to join them.
I instantly went up the boys dormitory and crashed in my bed and felt the warmth of my bedsheets.

I was tired, but I couldn't sleep because my mind is full of Malfoy laughing at some joke a Slytherin made , his eyes wrinkled when he smiled and there was a small dimple if you observed a little closer.

The last thing I thought about before I fell asleep was Malfoy and his grin . I smiled in my sleep .

Yup... I definately DON'T FANCY DRACO MALFOY


I was woken up by Ron , who was shaking me awake.

"HARRY GET YOUR ASS UP BEFORE HERMIONE MURDERS BOTH OF US" he yelled . I woke up startled and hastily got up . You DON'T wanna mess with a women who didn't have breakfast yet .

I got dressed and brushed my teeth and went with Ron and a grumpy Hermione to the Great Hall .
When we entered the Hall , all eyes were on us , they all beamed at us with respect . I felt a little proud but didn't like the huge spotlight on me . I scanned the hall and immediately spotted who I was looking for , Malfoy. I stared at him a little ,before he looked at me dead in the eyes .

His eyes widened when he caught me staring back.
We both didn't look away until I had to break the tension between us  . I ate some food and heard Ron and Hermione arguing about something again, but i wasn't listening i was in a daze , i kept thinking about Draco's sad eyes and he looked thinner then before. He looks different without his cute sneer on his beautiful face.

I can't deny it anymore. I fancy Draco Malfoy.

But I am confused if I am gay or not . Is it normal to be like this ?
Maybe I am bisexual , i mean... I did like Ginny Weasley but I don't think it was love . I will figure it out later...


Classes are over finally . I returned back to the common room and thought about skipping dinner , but Ron literally dragged me to the Hall .

I ate a little portion of my food and continued admiring Malfoy. He then looked back at me and looked a little confused then hastily looked away , looking a little flustered. A blush creeped up my cheek.

I went back to the common room and talked with my friends a little before going up the boy's dormitory and tried to fall asleep , but failed.

I needed a walk , I grinned and took out my Invisibility Cloak, put it over me and gently walked out the common room .

I thought of a place to go to . The Room of Requirement.
I went up the seventh floor and stood right in front of the invisible room . I wished for the DA room me and my friends formed a group of Dumbledore's supporters , where we had practice sessions which I held .

When I entered the room , I saw a familiar figure sitting in on one of the armchairs : Draco Malfoy.

I accidentally tripped in the cloak and fell down with a thud but I was invisible.

"Shit" I whispered.

Malfoy jumped and looked into nothing because as I said I was INVISIBLE .

"Who's there?" asked Malfoy....

Drastic Changes~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora