Potter or Harry....

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Draco's POV

Finally.... He is gone forever . Voldemort is defeated and it was all thanks to Harry Potter.
I felt so free but deep inside I felt terrible....
What will happen now? Will I go back to how I was ? Will people hate me now ? I had so many questions which I will never get answers for it .
Will i go to Azkaban and reunite with my dreadful so called father ?

I kept thinking horrible thoughts . I wish I had someone to ask these questions to and for someone to care about me , only one is enough, but I know I am not destined to have a special someone in my life because of all the things I done.
Things I was forced to do .

In the Wizengamot (Wizard Court)...

"Draco Lucius Malfoy , you are free from all charges and is therefore allowed to return to Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry and continue your magic education with your pupils"

I was stunned, I sat in the chained chair and looked at the Minister of Magic in disbelief
"But h-how? I did bunch of crime to serve in Azkaban!!" I said a little louder than I intended to .

The Minister of Magic looked at me with stern eyes
and cleared his throat " You are free because before your court case Mister Harry Potter himself came to me and defended you , the reason he gave was you were forced to do the awful crimes by You Know Who and your father , and I believe him" said the Minister .

I sat there and gaped at him . Potter. Defended. Me ?. Then all of the sudden , the chains that restricted my hands vanished and I was escorted out by the guards (thankfully ,not the dementors).

My mother rushed to me and hugged me with tears in her eyes " Draco, oh my sweet son , you are free" she said gleefully and kissed my forehead . I was lost for words and then a burst of happiness came over me . I was free. Again thanks to Potter or Harry...

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