"Kiss me "

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Harry's POV

I can't believe what just happened . It had escalated so fast .We were wanking each other .          HOW ?!?!?

I looked at him after i had calmed down and was surprised to find he was staring at me with a fuzzy look . We both looked at each other slightly panting and only Merlin knows how long it was. i observed his face more closely.

His pale skin had a grey tinge which beautifully clashes with his enticing blonde hair .

At last comes his eyes .he had a really pretty grey shade to it which resembled the moon. it had a mysterious  tender gaze which always kept me captivated . Draco's always been mysterious. But that's what makes him  Draco Malfoy .
His slight breaths which he took and the way he looked at me was seductively pulling me into his control .It held me hypnotised like i was under a spell.

I snapped out of my daze and sat upright , i still hadn't broken the intense eye contact . Then Draco looked away and put his head down the desk and sighed heavily . i don't know what's going inside his head . 

Does he regret our ... whatever we did ? Then why did he do it ? Why is he so confusing? 

i had multiple questions buzzing through my head which i wanted to ask him , but nothing came out of my mouth , i just opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water . 

Potions ended and i stood there waiting for Draco to say something , but he still kept his head down muttering something to himself which was too hoarse to hear . 

I finally broke the tension between us .

" Malfoy... What just happened ?" i asked him with clear confusion .

It took him a while to answer , but he finally did, " Sorry ..." .

" That's all you have to say... " . It wasn't even a question , it was a statement . Not to Draco , but to myself . It was like a straight slap to my face . I stood up abruptly "I am leaving " . I walked a few steps  before i reached the door , i looked back at him 

"Follow me" i pleaded , but he didn't even look up at me . i sighed and let a single tear fall down my cheek . I left the dungeons and held my tears  the whole way to the Gryffindor common room , up the boy's dormitories. 

i fell face flat on the bed with a thump . I put the silencing charm over my poster bed and drew my curtains and finally let the tears fall . I cried until i fell asleep , dreaming about.... someone .

Draco's POV (before Harry left )....

i couldn't process what i just did . i wanked Harry Potter ,the person i wanted to avoid , the person who was my rival . All my confidence shattered when i heard my father's voice deep in my mind .

" You insolent freak, i am ashamed of you , you're no pureblood , blood traitor . I am Disappointed" .
He kept degrading me by calling me names and saying i'm not his son . 

i started having a panic attack and started apologising repeatedly .Repenting my sin to my father .

I didn't hear Harry talking , i kept saying sorry to the pretend voice in my head desperately .

The time i calmed down , Harry was gone and i was alone in the dungeons . I didn't notice him leaving , he didn't say  even bother saying goodbye .

Was he mad at me ? i knew i shouldn't have done that , but i couldn't stop . Harry's seductive gaze kept pulling me in  . What will i do now ? My head was hurting with all the thoughts in my head . I want to calm down , somewhere only i know,

The Room of Hidden Things .

I went up the trick stairs and up the seventh floor where the Room Of Requirement was located and wished for the room where it all started , where i became friends with Harry . It was the room where the "Dumbledore's Army" held their practice sessions when Umbitch ruled the school . To be honest , i only sided with her because of my father's orders , which was keeping up the Malfoy's reputation and hierarchy status . 

I sat on one of the emerald chairs (which i customised) ,  reminding  me of Harry's eyes .Then my mind  led back to that moment in Snape's class . His eyes was filled with lust and i couldn't understand the other emotion which he held in his eyes . Was it affection ? or love? it could be neither , maybe i want to think he likes me back . But whenever i get close to him , i hear voices in my head , my father's disapproving tone....

I sighed and wished for a bed , which magically appeared like the room could hear my thoughts. i mean , it's called Room Of Requirement for a reason .

 I slept in full exhaustion . I sometimes woke up from one of my nightmares i usually have from time to time . But this time , i had another dream . Harry laughing with me , smiling at me. But then he came closer and whispered in my ear,  "I hate you , Malfoy " . I looked at him in horror , when out of nowhere , The whole Gryffindor house  came out of their hiding and jeered at me , mocking me "You really thought Harry likes you ? we made a bet with him if he could make Draco Malfoy heads over heels for him, and he succeeded" said Ron Weasley , who patted Harry in the back  with glee . Harry looked proud and so unlike him . 

I woke up from that nightmare ,my whole body shaking . I had a mental breakdown , i kept sobbing and yelling until i heard a distant voice , but this time it wasn't my father ....

"Draco , breathe . take a deep breathe and let it all out " .

It was Harry 's voice . I did what he told me and i felt a little better , he kept repeating the same instructions and i finally calmed down . I snapped out of my trance , and looked up to see Harry , looking down at me with worry . I thought it was a voice in my head , but he's here . i leapt up and hugged him so tightly to check if he was real .

"Are you really here?" i asked him , still not believing it .

"Yes i am very real" he chuckled . 

"I don't believe you " i sighed in his neck .

"What should i do to make you believe me ?" he asked 

I  thought for some time , then i got one answer.
A reckless one .

"Kiss me " i said . 


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