Chapter 6

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I was walking with Luna to my house. My jacket was covering both of us. It was a bit hard since we aren't the same height, so I decided to offer it to her, but she obviously declined.

"How much farther?"

"I told you it was close earlier, by close I meant like a 4 minute walk."



"We're almost there though, right?"

I nodded.

"In-fact, it's that house right there."

I pointed to my house. Her jaw dropped.

"Jason, you didn't tell me you were rich!"

I shrugged.

"Not rich, just my parents worked hard for this house."

"Are your parents home?"

"Nope, in Thailand"

"Oh wow."


His house was giant! Inside, it was beautiful. I was so shocked. I took off my shoes and walked around it. I turned and saw Jason on his phone.

"It's not supposed to stop raining until 3 am, and the rain will get even heavier."

I sighed.

"Do you have an umbrella I could borrow? I'll leave in a bit."

He sighed and looked at me.

"You could just sleep here."

"No, I cou-"

"You will."



"I don't even have any clothes! Avery has my clothes from Cape Cod!"

"I have a sister, Luna." I tried to think of another excuse.

"Luna, it's fine. Just sleep here tonight."

"Okay. Fine."

"Okay, you'll take my sister's room."

"Where is she?"

"School trip."

I nodded.


I went to his sister's room and changed into her pyjamas. I suddenly got a FaceTime call from Hayden. I answered with a smile on my face.



"Did you get home okay?"

"Yes, I did. How about you, Luna?"

"Well, about that."

I was about to tell him I'm not at my house when Jason knocked.

"One second!"

"Hayden, I have to go, but I'll call you later, okay?"

He nodded and I ended the call. Jason came in. He started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Where did you find those pyjamas?"

I pointed at his sister's drawer.

"Those are from like 3 years ago! When she was 12!"

I shrugged. They were very uncomfortable and tight though.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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