Chapter 1

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"Ow!" Who the hell is hitting me at 8 am? "Sorry, but I need to tell you something Lu." Lindsay was now walking beside me. I bet she's just going to tell me something about one of her boyfriends because she has multiple... "Linds I just want to go to class, will this take long?" "I won't make you skip! You know I wouldn't do that Lu! But if you ever did want to, just text me." This girl is so annoying... She started going on and on about some guy who ghosted her. "Oh and this guy called Kai came up in my suggestions! He's so cute!" I was gonna hit my head against a wall because of how much she was talking until I realized she said Kai, my ex Kai? "What's his last name?" I asked her. She looked at me happily, because I was finally paying attention to her. "Johnson! Kai Johnson! It fits him so well! But people say his last girlfriend is a slut, I don't know if he's into that or not.." a slut? Me a slut? He was my first boyfriend! How am I a slut? But I didn't care, I should just focus on my education. "Linds she probably isn't, just add him and talk to him more, you'll find out more about him." I wasn't going to tell her that I'm the "slut" girlfriend. I don't want her to feel bad. We walked to class and took our seats, our first class was science with Mrs. Campbell. I took notes and paid attention like I always do...


Music was blasting through my ears, and it was only noon. Music is my escape from stress, mostly because of school and basketball. I was walking around school since it was lunch when some guy pushed me. My AirPods then fell to the ground. "What the-" "We don't swear around here Hay!" It was Kai. "Kai, why the fuck are you pushing me?" "Did you not just hear me say we don't swear around here?" This guy is always getting on my nerves. I was going to reply to him when I heard a ding on his phone. "Lindsay Green? Yo, didn't you use to date her? Why is she adding me?" Why is she adding him? Doesn't she know he's my best friend? "Uh yeah, just add her back man, I don't care." That bitch. "You sure bro? Don't get me wrong she's fine as hell, but I don't wanna do that to you." "Kai, I seriously don't care." I don't, right? "Aight, bet. Let's go to the gym and play" I was just running away from basketball, and now he's making me play it. I can't complain though, he's my best friend...


Mr. Smith was talking about something, and for the first time, I wasn't paying attention, I was so tired. I only got three hours of sleep cause I was up late studying. "Luna? You there?" I looked up from the desk and stared at him. Mr. Smith is a teacher everybody finds so attractive, I don't get how. He's okay looking, but he's a teacher and we're all sophomores! "Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm just tired" he went back to teaching. I need this class to be over, I want to go home and sleep. But I still have to walk another 20 minutes to get home.
Not long after, the bell rang. I got up out of my seat and walked outside. I then got a text from Lindsay "Hey Lu! I can't say bye to you today! I'm going to walk home with Kai!" Of course, she is. I gave her message a heart and then walked outside of the school. 5 minutes into my walk, I heard a meow. I was close to the park, so I walked inside the park and the meows started getting louder. I was wondering where the cat was when a leaf fell on me. I looked up and saw a cat on a branch. I started calling it, of course by just saying kitty, cause I don't know how to communicate with a cat... I went over to a lady with her dog, and I asked her if I could use the ball her dog was playing with to call the cat. She said yes and then I went back to the cat and threw the ball up and down. The cat then came down, and I then saw it had a bunch of scratches. I tried to pet it, so I could grab it and send it to a vet, but it scratched me. I then pulled out my phone and called the nearest vet, and asked someone to come. Soon, there was a lady with gloves and she gave the cat something, then the cat was in her arms. "Thank you for calling us." I nodded and let them take the cat away.


"Another one in." I'm getting so tired of basketball. I just want to walk around, and I don't want to play, but my dad will get mad at me, he wants me to succeed as a basketball player. I was going to get some water when I heard a bark, what the hell? I turned my head around and tried to look for the dog, but I couldn't find it. I then walked around, trying to see where that noise was coming from. I then spotted a golden retriever, this is the dog? "Hey, buddy, where's your owner?" The dog was just barking. I'm guessing it's trying to find its owner. I saw it still had its leash, so I walked it around the neighborhood a bit, trying to find its owner. I then found a young lady shouting "Max!" I assumed the dog belonged to her. "Ma'am, is this your dog?" She turned around. "Oh my god! Max! Yes, he is! Thank you so much for finding him!" I nodded and smiled, then I walked away.

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