Chapter 3

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Z and I just finished another task, defeating a villain. The other villains called Strawberry and JJ didn't complete their task, again. We've been fighting for a while now, and I still haven't seen Z's face. "Z, we need to show each other what we look like. You know that right?" "Yeah, you're right. Let's do it now then." Now? What? "Uh, ok." Our power was about to run out anyway. "Follow me." I followed his jumps, and we ended up at some random building, with a perfect view of New York City. We had to go somewhere where people couldn't see us though because somehow, we were popular now. The news caught us defeating a villain, so Z and I got interviewed and we told them about everything we're doing. We have to keep our identities a secret though, I don't know why. Our watches told us that. "Ok, my powers are about to run out." Oh my god, we're about to see each other's faces! Our powers ran out after about 30 seconds and I finally get to see- Wait. Hayden Miller?


"Luna?" C is my best friend's ex-girlfriend? What? "Hayden?" Oh, she knows me too, how? Wait, isn't she Lindsay's friend? Shit. Lindsay made up lies about me when we broke up, that I cheated on her and then got with her sister. I don't even talk to her sister! I only did when I went over to Lindsay's house, and her sister's best friends with Eve, so she asked about her. "I didn't expect you to be my partner..." "Me neither Z." We stared at each other in silence for a bit. I didn't know what to say to her anymore. Is it gonna be weird from now on? "Z, let's not make this weird okay?" Wow, she really can read my mind. How? "Yeah okay." I looked through my pockets in my jeans to find my phone, and when I did I said "Put your number in. If we have to tell each other something to do with this, we will." By this, I was referring to our... job? I don't really know what this is. "Okay." We exchanged phone numbers, then we realized it was late, so we went home.


I really can't believe Hayden is Z. What the hell? But, I hope he won't tell Kai. I know they're best friends. Well, I know he won't. Because, if I tell Lindsay, it's also over for him. So we both have blackmail material... I was laying in my bed and I just couldn't sleep. I took a shower and brushed my teeth, and I thought it would get me tired, but it didn't. I then picked up my phone. And I don't know why I did what I did next. "Are you awake?" "Yes." He replied quickly, wow. I should change his name on my contact list, right now it's just his number. I was having trouble deciding what to change it to. Maybe he already picked out mine. So I just changed it to "Hayden🐝". I thought it was cute adding the bee emoji. Since nobody will ever realize why I did. I don't have a lot of people on my phone, I still have Kai's number. I have Lindsay's number, my sister's number, and Avery's from Mr. Smith's class. I like Avery, she's cool. And, I think me and she will become much closer, she really gets me and is better than Lindsay, I don't think she'd ever leave me. But, that's what I thought about all my other friends. I decided to keep on texting Hayden. "Why are you awake this late?" It was only half past midnight, but I didn't know what to say to him. "Why are you awake this late?" "I asked you first." "So?" "So, answer me then I'll answer you." "Do you actually have a reason to be up this late?" I didn't, but I didn't want him to know that. "I'm studying." "Studying? For what?" Shit. "For Mr.Smiths." I just made that up... "We have a test in Mr.Smiths?" Oh no... "No, I just like to study." "When do you have Mr. Smith?" "Tomorrow." "No shit, I'm asking when in the day do you have him?" Oops. "End of the day." "Really? So do I." What? I would've for sure noticed him. I don't believe him. "I've never seen you." "Maybe you're too busy focusing on someone else." What the hell? Does he actually think I have a crush on someone? "What do you mean?" "I mean, if you're studying so hard for Mr. Smith's class, you're probably in love with him or something." Ew. "First of all, I am not in love with Mr. Smith, he is my teacher! I'm 16 years old Hayden! And secondly, I study so hard because I need good grades to get into a good college. So don't go around assuming every girl is in love with Mr. Smith!" He is stupid. "Damn, why are you so mad?" I swear to god, why did I even text this boy in the first place? "Goodnight Hayden." I silenced my phone and put it in do not disturb.

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