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Karina walks down the hallway, her eyes wandering around to spot a certain girl and once her eyes caught sight of that particular small girl a smile formed on her lips. Winter was wearing the usual uniform only this time it was definitely in the dress code, gone was the extremely low skirt that always hiked up her thigh and the buttons of her blouse fully closed instead of the always opened two first buttons 
"You've already done it?" Jennie asks from behind and Karina turns to her
"She just needed a push... That's all" Karina replies, Jennie immediately gives her a knowing look upon hearing her words
"And what kind of push are we talking about?" Jennie asks and Karina just shrugs as she turns to look at Winter once more
"It wouldn't be fun if I told you now" Karina replies before walking away as she sees Taeyeon looking out from her office
"This is where the game begins..."
"Are you sure you aren't sick?" Ryujin asks as she puts her hand on Winter's forehead, checking her temperature
"I'm fine I told you already, why do you think I'm sick?" Winter replies, swatting Ryujin's hand away
"Because I don't know? You're really strange today... What's with your long skirt? The really straightened blouse and the black school shoes? You always wear something with heels" Ryujin replies and Giselle nods next to her, this new sight of Winter was odd to say the least... That and the lack of profanities that had come out of Winter's mouth was definitely strange
"Are you being like a goody two-shoes or something?" Giselle asks and it surely hit a nerve in Winter but she tries to conceal it by rolling her eyes, it was already hard pretending to be a good girl and here were her best friends making it even harder
"Can't I be like this every once in awhile?" Winter asks and her friends immediately shake their heads which only added to Winter's annoyance
"Just fuck off you two" Winter says and it almost felt relieving to cuss her friends out... Almost
"What a foul language you're using Miss Kim" Karina says from behind her, startling her out of her seat
She looks at her friends who only snickered at her as if they know Winter will fight back but Winter knew better so she sits down quietly, Ryujin's eyes immediately widened and Giselle stared
"Sorry... Miss Yu" Winter says and the room turns silent, no one had expected this exchange more so that Winter apologized... Something she loathed to do yet here she was, hand clasp together like an obedient girl, looking down at her desk. She too felt embarrassed of the words that came out of her mouth and she doesn't feel like looking at anyone at that moment otherwise she'll take her words back... Which wouldn't be a wise choice
"That's quite alright... But this will not go unnoticed" Karina replies, if Winter wasn't so determined right now she would've flipped the teacher off... That and the creeping feeling of anxiousness that she feels, not knowing what the teacher would say or do
"Let's start class now, shall we?"
And true to her words Karina really didn't let the little slip up slide, she had been ignoring Winter the entirety of the class that it's gotten Winter so desperate for attention, she wasn't like this... Of course she would always seek attention but not like this, Karina's way of making her seek attention like this has got Winter tangled
"Girl what the fuck?" Giselle whispers as she sees the restless Winter in her seat, fidgeting with everything and anything
"What?" Winter asks, annoyed. She's too deep into her thoughts of thinking ways how to get the teacher's attention that it made her so restless and agitated
"Why are you like a worm? Seriously you're so weird today" Giselle points out and Winter huffs, she crosses her arms and kicks her desk but unfortunately (fortunately/?) she kicks it just a tad bit too strong that it slides on the floor, creating a loud squeaky sound which disrupted Karina who was discussing their lesson
"I should've known better... Winter Kim, detention" Karina says as she turns to the girl, Winter doesn't know whether to feel accomplished that she got the teacher's attention or be agitated that it landed her in detention... But also excited because detention only meant one thing... And that's keeping Karina in a room with just her and her only
She grabs her bag and heads straight to the door, once out of view she smiles and happily walks over to detention
"That... Was weird... She didn't even try to fight back" Giselle says and Ryujin nods
"Copy these and pass your assignment" Karina says as she fixes her stuff on the side, she heaves a sigh before looking at the class... She was trying to keep things easy but it feels like she was doing quite the opposite at this point
"That'll be it for today, please bring the projector back to the teacher's lounge, I'm sure I can trust the President of the class right?" Karina asks and the students answer in unison, she grabs the assignments and her bags, bidding her farewell to the students
Karina enters the detention room, making sure it's locked before eyeing Winter who was quietly sitting in her chair with her arms across her chest. Karina makes her way over and looks at the girl, her eyebrows furrow as she sees Winter's closed eyes, she looks at the girl's table and eyes the papers... They were all assignments from different subjects
She looks through the papers and finds the assignment papers for her class, taking it and sitting down at her desk. She examines the paper and scoffs... It was full marks, not a single thing was wrong and even on the essay she explained things properly. Karina sighs and settles it down on her desk, grading it before putting on her glass and standing up
She makes her way back over to Winter's table and leans her face close, she huffs air to the girl's face making Winter flinch but she keeps her eyes closed, still deep in sleep so Karina taps on the desk and blows air again and this time Winter's eyes flutter open, she blinks a couple of times before finally realising that Karina wad infront of her making her get startled in her seat. Karina was quick to hold her to prevent her from falling off the chair
"God Winter, can't you be more careful? You could've hit your head if you fell over!" Karina nags and Winter processes her words before smiling, she leans her face closer to Karina's taking the teacher aback
"But I didn't... You're here... You caught me, so there's no need to worry is there?" Winter whispers and Karina stares at her
"You know you're here for punishment, right? Don't act so cocky princess" Karina replies and Winter's smile only grows wider
"I'm not being cocky, I'm just speaking what's on my mind" Winter fights back and tugs on Karina's necktie making the teacher inch closer, their breaths mixed between their faces and air getting thicker around them
"You've been ignoring me since earlier... What I did wasn't even that bad and you got me in detention for something I didn't intend to do" Winter says and Karina stares right into her eyes
"Oh? Are you mad that I wasn't giving you attention? I guess I did say I would give you all of mine but what you did was still bad, was it not?" Karina asks and Winter nods
Karina smirks, Winter... Was totally at her mercy at this point, it hadn't even been that long, yet the girl was already submissive towards her but... She doesn't know if that's necessarily a good or bad thing
"Well you have all my attention now, what do you want me to do?" Karina asks and Winter's breath hitched, she bites her lower lip as her eyes travel from the teacher's eyes down to her lips
"Fuck... Kiss me... Please... I need... Your lips on mine" Winter breathily says and Karina fixes her position, she let go of the hold she had on Winter and walked to her side, she sits on Winter's desk and lifts the girl's chin
"You've done well Winter... Your assignment is full marks, I think that deserves... A bit of a reward" Karina says and Winter eagerly waits, looking up at her. From this angle it looked like a dog waiting for it's owner to give it a treat after performing a trick... And it fits too well
Karina leans in and takes the girl's lips, Winter heaves a breath of relief as the teacher's lips made contact with hers, her eyes immediately closed to savour the older woman's lips and her breath hitched as Karina bit down on her lip making her release a soft moan, Karina took the opportunity to use her tongue as her hand slowly travelled from Winter's chin, down to her neck. She caressed the girl's neck gently and Winter shuddered from the light touch, her mind was turning hazy from the kiss and the touch had gotten her high on pleasure
Karina's other hand tucks the hair that was obstructing Winter's face and Winter takes the opportunity to grab the teacher's hand and interlock their fingers, Karina smirks in between their kiss as she gives Winter's hand a light squeeze and caressed the back of her hand with her thumb. Winter groans and struggled to keep up with Karina's kisses and the older woman immediately noticed and pulled her head back
Winter huffed and panted, almost like she had just ran a marathon as her eyes stare into the Karina's who was looking down on her, Karina licks her lips and it immediately catches Winter's eyes, making her blush
"Strawberry..." Karina mutters and Winter overhears it
"It's... M-my lipbalm..." Winter replies, still trying to catch her breath
"I like it, you already taste sweet and it makes you taste just more delectable" Karina says with a smile and Winter gulps at her words
"Do you like soft touches?" Karina suddenly asks and a shiver runs through Winter's body as she feels the teacher's finger running along the side of her neck while the other hand she was using her thumb to caress Winter's hand
"Hmm... I... I do..." Winter whimpers as Karina traces along her collarbone and even though her uniform was obstructing the touch it still felt electrifying
"That's quite the news... Considering you act so rashly" Karina says and Winter stares at her
"It's already almost time for your detention to end..." Karina points out and Winter panics inside but her worry dissipates as Karina caressed her cheek
"Let's waste the time like this for now, I do want a break from the workload as well" Karina says as she leans forward again to capture Winter's lips against hers, Winter smiles and immediately reciprocates the kiss, her other hand making it's way to Karina's waist and pulling her closer. Their liplocking continued until the bell rang and Karina sends her away with a last peck on the lips and Winter made her way to her mom's office leading Taeyeon to wonder... Why the hell was her daughter's lips, swollen?

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