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Somehow the day becomes weird, the students looked at Winter who was quietly writing in her chair while Karina was teaching... It was definitely an odd sight but no one could point it out
"Alright, I'll see you guys later" Karina bids and grabs her bags, Giselle immediately nudges Winter and Ryujin immediately stare at those who try to listen in on their conversation
"What the hell is up with you today? Why are you so quiet?" Giselle asked and Winter raised her head
"Help me... I need to get that bitch out of this school as fast as we can... I had to keep quiet for her lesson just so she wouldn't get suspicious since we had a talk yesterday" Winter hurriedly explained as she looks around the room, seeing if the teacher was truly gone
"Then... Last resort?" Ryujin asked and Winter sighed before nodding her head firmly
"Let's do this then"
Karina turned her head to the door, it was currently lunch break but she was still busy grading papers in the teacher's lounge. She sees Ryujin on the doorframe and raises her eyebrow at the student
"Uhm... I was gonna ask for some help? I think some guys put Giselle's stuff in the janitor's closet... The jocks have permission for the keys there because they clean the gym... But we can't open it without a key" Ryujin explained and Karina sighed, she stands up and goes to the teacher's drawer, grabbing the janitor's key
"Let's go, I can't give you the key since it's prohibited" Karina said and Ryujin nodded, quietly following behind the teacher
Once they reached the janitor's closet Karina put the key in and twisted the doorknob, she goes inside and turns the light on but her head turns to the door as it gets slammed shut, the key clinking which only meant one thing
"Sorry teach, you're getting a little too comfortable with your job... This is the end line for you" Ryujin said as she locked the door
"Did you get her?" Winter arrived and Ryujin shows her the keys to the janitors closet which immediately put a smile on Winter's face
"Look at that Miss Karina Yu... Your little game of threatening me didn't work, I suggest you resign on your own... You can do that, can't you?" Winter said but there was no reply, she clicked her tongue before grabbing the keys from Ryujin
"Let's go, we're leaving her there and... She better hope someone finds her... Oh wait, the janitor's on leave!" Winter mocked as she twirled the keys around her finger and went to the teacher's lounge
"Excuse me ma'am this was outside the room? I think someone dropped it" Winter acted innocently as she putted the keys on the empty desk
"Oh! Thank you for bringing it in here, we'd be in trouble if one of the keys got lost" The teacher replied and Winter smiled at her before bowing, leaving the room
"Have you found Karina?" Irene asked as she looked around, it was already the end of the school day yet no one saw Karina that entire day, some students said that the teacher didn't enter their class which definitely worried her sisters
"No, I looked everywhere in the freshmen building... No sight of her, I even asked the teachers and students there" Jennie replied as she tries to call Karina's phone again
"I asked the faculty members and no one saw her... They last saw her in the lounge, grading papers" Yeji replied and looked at Jennie who shakes her head as the call gets transferred to a voicemail
"Where on earth could she have gone... She would have told us if something happened... We have no choice, we have to tell Taeyeon unnie" Irene said and the two other sisters immediately nodded, they headed straight for the principal's office
"Yes? What can I help you with?" Taeyeon asked as she looked at the sisters
"Rina's missing... No one saw her for the rest of the day, the last they saw her was at the teacher's lounge grading papers" Irene explained and Taeyeon massaged her temple
"God... Please... Winter was seen in the teacher's lounge at lunch... One of the teacher's said she returned a key that was dropped outside the room..." Taeyeon said and Jennie immediately came closer
"So you mean to say your kid was involved again?" Jennie asked and Taeyeon sighs
"I don't know for sure... I'll call her here, give me a minute" Taeyeon says as she goes outside, leaving the Yu sisters
"This is bad news... Karina's worked so hard to become a perfect teacher rather than the terrifying girl she was back at our school..." Yeji said and Jennie sat down
"Let's just hope she wasn't locked in a cramped space... Otherwise it'll bring bad memories back to her" Irene says and the two girls look at her in worry
"I told you mom! I don't know where the hell she is!" Winter defended herself as the Yu's immediately ask her questions about Karina's where abouts
"Winter please... If you're innocent... What keys did you find outside the lounge? Maybe it was dropped by Karina since she was the only one at the lounge in early lunch" Taeyeon calmly asks and Winter crosses her arms
"I don't know? The janitor's closet?" Winter replied and Taeyeon stopped, she stared at Winter before grabbing her by the shoulders
"Ow! Mom what—"
"Did you just say... Janitor's closet?" Taeyeon cutted Winter off, the girl immediately gets caught off guard with the way her mother reacted so she shuts her mouth and nods her head
"Oh my god!" Taeyeon quickly runs to the teacher lounge, alarming Karina's sisters who immediately follow her. Winter follows too even though she was puzzled
Taeyeon grabs the keys to the janitor's closet and runs with it along the hallways, she immediately puts the keys into the doorknob and opens it. She rushed to open the lights, Irene, Jennie and Yeji arrived and they quickly entered the room
"Karina! Baby are you okay?" Irene immediately cooes her sister who was laying on the ground, breathing heavily
"Shit! Pull her out! Yeji call the ambulance!" Taeyeon panicked as she saw Karina almost lifeless, she helps Irene and Jennie pull Karina out of the room while Yeji hurriedly calls the ambulance
"What... What's happening?" Winter asked, her eyes landing on Karina and the panic sets in as she sees her gasping for air
"Stay with me Karina! Just wait a little longer, the ambulance will be here... Breathe, breathe slowly" Jennie holds Karina's cold hands, shaking as she worriedly checks on Karina's pulse
"The ambulance is here!" Yeji exclaimed and she quickly rushed out to guide the medics get to Karina, they immediately take Karina into a stretcher and puts an oxygen mask over her face as they hurriedly rush her to the ambulance car
"I'll go with, I'll call mom... Grab our things" Irene said and her sisters immediately nod their heads, they watched as the ambulance drove away with both Irene and Karina inside
"Winter... Let's go, we're going to the hospital too" Taeyeon said and pulled Winter along who was still stunned, she didn't know it would take a turn like this... All she planned was to trap the teacher inside the room until the school day ends in hopes that it would make her feel scared
"What's going on?" Winter asked and Taeyeon grabs her bags from her office
"Karina can't be left alone in a small space, she hyper ventilates... She's had that ever since she was a child... Winter... Did you have anything to do with this?" Taeyeon asked and Winter gulps, not knowing what to say
"We'll talk later... Let's get to the hospital and check on her" Taeyeon sighs and pulls Winter along, they get to her car and she follows Jennie and Yeji's car to the hospital. They made their way to Karina's room where she was laying in bed, an oxygen mask over her nose and a heart monitor beeping on her side
"My god Kim Taeyeon! How could you have let this happen?"
"Mom stop! Taeyeon unnie didn't know" Jennie calmed her mom down as Irene tries to make her sit
"She still could've prevented this! How could Karina be trapped in that small space? Someone definitely locked her in there considering you had to get a key just to open that damn door!" Tiffany exclaimed and Taeyeon sighed, the doctors immediately sensed the situation and excused theirselves, telling everyone to not be too loud to not disturb Karina who was now resting
"Look... I'm sorry... I didn't know that this would happen, no one could've known... The teachers saw her before lunch and said that everything was fine and that she was just grading papers, I didn't know that she went missing after that... If I did... I would've searched the whole school" Taeyeon replied and Tiffany calms herself down, her eyes land on Winter who was looking over at Karina
"Is this your youngest? Is she a student in your school?" Tiffany asked as she pointed at Winter
"Yeah... She's my youngest, she's in Karina's homeroom class" Taeyeon replies
Everyone looks at Karina who had her eyes opened slightly, gasping into the oxygen mask on her face as she tries to look at her mother
"Are you alright Rina? Does anything hurt?" Tiffany worriedly checks on her daughter
"I... I-I'm fine... Just... H-hard... Bre-athe" Karina struggled to get her words out as she had to take deep breaths in between, her eyes catches Winter who was peering over at her with an anxious look
"P-please... Leave" Karina says and Tiffany gets taken aback
"What? But Rina—"
"M-mom... R-est" Karina explains and Tiffany eases and nods her head, she gives Karina's forehead a kiss before leading everyone out of the room
Karina closes her eyes as the doors shut, she takes another deep breath before opening her eyes again. She stares at the ceiling for a few second before lifting her right hand, she looks at the bruise that was left when she kept banging on the door of the Janitor's closet... Hoping someone would hear her even when she was gasping for air... Yet no one came. She saved up her energy and laid on the floor of the Janitor's closet, she kept slamming her fist onto the floor to keep herself awake as she was starting to lose consciousness from the lack of air and luckily she was found just in time
"Winter Kim... You've pushed me way too hard this time and it made me rethink of what I used to do... That'll be the last straw for you... Let's see how sharp your fangs and claws are"

The Teacher's Pet (Good Girl)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora