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(A/N: Trigger Warnings! Also chapter might be confusing)

"All of you knew and didn't tell me? You didn't even stop your sister!" Tiffany exclaimed as they talked about what had just transpired
"We couldn't tell you because you know how Karina gets and besides... It's kind of deserved..." Irene replies as she shifts her gaze from their fuming mother to the pale student
"True... You and your friends are a pain in the ass, it's no wonder Taeyeon unnie called us in" Jennie added and Taeyeon looked at them
"I didn't know it gets this far... Then that means... You've done all these to the other teachers too?" Taeyeon asked and turned to her daughter who couldn't even make eye contact with her
"My god, Winter Kim... I didn't raise you like this... Why have you done all this?" Taeyeon asked and Winter just sat silently
"There must be a reason why you're doing this" Yeji points out and they all stopped as Karina came back down the stairs
"What else is the reason other than attention? She's seeking attention from both her batchmates and you" Karina says and points at Taeyeon before making her way to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of beer
"What? I don't—"
"When's the last time you took a day off?" Tiffany asked and Taeyeon looked at her before thinking carefully
"5 months ago?" Taeyeon replied and Karina pops her bottle open before going behind Winter's seat
"5 months ago... Didn't we talk? Was it that day?" Karina asked and Taeyeon nods, Karina suddenly chuckles and puts her hand on Winter's head, immediately making the girl squeak and jump from her seat
"Isn't that a wonderful reason to be acting like this?... The youngest daughter seeking for her mother's time and attention... She can't get it through normal ways so she tries to get creative" Karina says as she looks at Winter who furrows her eyebrows at her
"Your little facade doesn't fool me Winter... I can see from your face, the way you act and the way you move everytime your mom's around or when she hears any news of you" Karina says as she drinks from her bottle and walking to the stairs, before she goes back up she gives the student a stare
"Since you're so desperate for attention... I'll give you all of mine" Karina remarks and proceeds to walk up the stairs and into her room
"Well..." Irene starts and clears her throat
"You should head home... It's late... I need to talk to my daughters... Alone" Tiffany says and Taeyeon stands up, she looks at Winter who avoids her eyes
"Thank you for the meal" Winter says and hurries out of the door, Taeyeon was quick enough to say her regards before running after her daughter who was already inside their car. She gets into the driver seat and looks at her daughter but Winter looked like she didn't want to speak so Taeyeon heaves a sigh before starting up the car and driving out of the Yu's garage
As soon as the car leaves Tiffany led her daughters up to Karina's room, she opens Karina's door without any warning and they all stood at the doorframe, looking at Karina who stared out the window with the beer in her hand
"Rina..." Jennie calls out and Karina briefly gives them a glance
"I didn't open it... The key's in my drawer, take it back if you want" Karina said and Tiffany's stare softened at her daughter, she walks right into Karina's room and approaches her
"You know... You got your observation skills from me... You can't hide anything" Tiffany says as she holds Karina's arm
"I don't like her attitude... But I can't blame her... I've seen how Taeyeon unnie gets herself into too much work. It doesn't mean I'm not teaching her a lesson" Karina replies and turns her gaze to her mother
"Wasn't that the case... For Hyunjin too? Isn't that why... You closed that box off for good?" Tiffany asks and Karina's gaze wavers
"Hyunjin was... A lost cause... He... Was too into his desire of receiving his father's approval that I had to go that far on him... I didn't realize I'd been fueling him more... He felt that it was a boost to his immoral behaviour" Karina replies and looks down (A/N: Also the reason why Karina's teaching license was taken, because of this very same incident. This incident wasn't written for a report because Karina's license wouldn't have been given back if there was a report of a student going to a mental institution after going to their school. To put it simply it wasn't put into a report because the damage was too big)
"Hyunjin's... In a mental institution now... Right?" Irene asked in a whisper and Jennie nods her head
"Yeah... Karina visits him but she doesn't say much about her visits... She just comes home... I don't know? Lost?" Jennie replies
"I've seen how he's doing these days... Nothing's changed... His father... Still won't give him any time and attention at all that... When I visited him he looked like he'd given up on everything, they put him in the white room because anytime they give him something or he's just in his room he'll try to find ways... To kill himself" Karina says and Yeji immediately taps both her sisters, the two girls instantly straighten up as they hear Karina's words
"He saw me that day... He said I could end his suffering... He said I could help him and that this time it could be successful... As long as I... End him" Karina finishes her words and her mother immediately embrace her
"Baby... It wasn't your fault... Nothing was your fault, It's just that... Hyunjin was already consumed by his greed, you tried to get rid of that greed but Hyunjin used that as a way to make the fire bigger than it was because he knew his father would immediately do something if you or me reported to him about his son... He felt that he was successfully getting his father's attention from all the reports that he kept doing it... But his father had a greed too... A greed to teach his son a good lesson that went above Hyunjin's understanding, that's why Hyunjin never saw... That his father cared for him, he wouldn't signed him up in our school if he didn't, right?" Tiffany reassures her daughter who remain still in her arms
"But because Hyunjin was getting worse... His father thought that it was pointless, that he was never gonna change his behaviour so he stopped caring, he still cared for his son but Hyunjin was seeing a man who was neglecting his duties as a father for his duties at work... They were both just not seeing each other through... What do we always say to each other when something doesn't feel right?" Tiffany asks and Karina looks up at her
"We talk it out... We don't hide anything from each other because communicating is better than being silent" Karina replies and Tiffany nods her head, she calls her other daughters and hugs them all
"This behavioural school that I have is nothing but to teach others that there's more worse things that can happen if they don't do things accordingly... Our ways... Are rehabilitation processes that are used for scientific purposes... It's not normal and it can definitely lead to bad outcomes but it will show who is willing to change and who is too blinded by their own problems" Tiffany reminds her daughters
"By the way... What was with your... Since you're so desperate for attention, I'll give you all of mine?"Tiffany asks jokingly and Karina immediately pulls away chugging her beer down, she immediately pulls her family and pushes them out her door
"That was some good talk but I think that's enough for tonight" Karina says as she slams her door shut
"You know... I always wondered about Karina's tendecies are... Looks like she's into puppies that act like wolves" Jennie says and Irene nudges her
"I don't think that's the case..." Yeji says and they all look at her
"I've seen this kind of scenario before... What if... Winter turns out... Like that obsessed girl?"
The ride home was silent, Winter never uttered a word and once they got home Winter went straight into her room. Taeyeon grew more wary of her daughter, she goes to her room and knocks on the door
"Winter... You know there's no point in hiding... We have to talk about it at some point" Taeyeon says and Winter opens her bedroom door, almost teary eyed
"Come here" Taeyeon calls out and opens her arms, Winter just looks down
"Honey you could've just told me from the very beginning... I would've made so much time for you..." Taeyeon says and Winter looks at her
"I can forgive... But I'll never forget... You didn't need me to remind you that you had a daughter... That I would need your attention... You're just... Unfair" Winter chokes out and shuts the door right in her mom's face without hearing a reply from her. Taeyeon closed her eyes and sighed as she knew she really messed things up

(A/N: Shorter chapter because we start the "plot" with the next chapters now that Karina's claws and fangs are out (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞ and we'll see how the wolf (Winter) sheds it's fur to reveal that it's a sheep all this time)

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