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The room was silent, it was as if anyone spoke, the room would collapse... Karina glanced at Winter who was quietly doing her work, her eyes land on the girl's cheek... More specifically on the bandaid she'd put
"Does your cheek still hurt?" Karina suddenly asked and Winter's head lifted up to look at her, Karina almost smiled because it looked like Winter was lost in thought that she was genuinely surprised when Karina spoke
"Oh, no not anymore" Winter replied and looked back at her paper, before looking up to meet Karina's eyes once more
"Do you... Believe in that thing when they say that your mole is where your past lover used to kiss you?" Winter asked and Karina furrowed her eyebrows
"You students talk about stuff like that these days?" Karina asked and realized she's not that far in age but still... It was quite a gap for her to understand some of the things the newer generation talk about
"What? It's just random stuff we believe in" Winter replied, rolling her eyes
"So you believe in it?" Karina asked with a raised brow and Winter nods her head
"Wouldn't that mean I got kissed a lot... Here?" Karina pointed at her mole and Winter smiles, almost laughing actually
"Why are you laughing? I'm asking a genuine question" Karina says and Winter shakes her head
"Yeah essentially that's the thing, that's where your lover from the past used to kiss you" Winter replied and Karina was skeptical of that logic
"Where's yours then? You said you believed it?" Karina asked and suddenly Winter's smile turned devious
"Right... Here" Winter slowly said as her hand travelled down her collarbone, to the upper part of her chest and ofcourse... Karina was too invested in this "Lover from the past" thing that she followed Winter's hand travel down, making her eyes quiver and blink rapidly, looking away
"You act like you'd never been seduced before" Winter said and Karina scoffs
"That just caught me off guard, I thought it was somewhere visible..." Karina replied and she returns to writing her work until it registered in her mind
"Did you say... Seduced?" Karina asked and Winter squinted at her
"Yeah, are you deaf now too?" Winter mocked but Karina was the one who smirked which made Winter frown
"So... You were seducing me by doing that?" Karina asked and Winter realized what she had said and immediately stood up, her face turning red
"No! Why would I? That's stupid!" Winter argued and Karina just shrugged
"Maybe you had a thing for someone older" Karina added and Winter looked either pissed or embarrassed by how red she was
"Sit down, you're not done writing your work yet... Are you?" Karina asked and Winter immediately sat back down
"Hmph... Maybe you're the one who likes younger people" Winter says and Karina looks at her
"So what if I do?" Karina replied proudly and Winter's eyes immediately shot up at her
"W-what?" Winter asked
"I do actually prefer to date younger people... Younger people are quite cute and besides... I have more control that way" Karina replies and Winter feels it again... That intimidating aura
"So... You've only been dating... Younger people?" Winter asked
"I've dated one person before but that's it, I have had some encounters with younger people but none led to a relationship" Karina replied and Winter doesn't know why... But she was rather intrigued with the teacher
"Encounters?" Winter asked and Karina brushed her hair back, taking her glasses off
"One night stands... They started there and ended there" Karina clarified and Winter blinked
"You look like you don't believe that I've had sex before" Karina said and laughed, Winter's ears immediately picked up her laugh... It was rather deep... Somewhat alluring to the ears
"Yeah you look too nice for that... Have I mentioned you looked like a loser when you first came to our class?" Winter replied and Karina shook her head
"Ofcourse you'd think that, I deliberately made myself look like that to avoid... Doing certain methods" Karina says and Winter immediately remembers that dinner night
"Your whole family's full of sadistic people" Winter unconsciously blurts out and Karina chuckles
"That's true but I would say my sister's aren't all that sadistic... My mom's not that much either" Karina replies
"Oh... Did I say that out loud?" Winter asked and Karina cracked a smile
"Yeah, it was very loud and clear" Karina replied and Winter scratched her nape
"Is that like... Something you picked up... While growing up?" Winter asked, she knew it was a red zone area but she was just too curious at this point
"Hmm... Probably? I was actually adored in the family but there were times where I would do stuff that my mom would do" Karina replied and Winter nods her head
"What about..." Winter hesitated and Karina knew exactly what she was meaning to ask
"I would say I got it from just being me? It became a routine that it grew on me which is why... I have sadistic tendencies" Karina replied and Winter remains silent, she didn't know why she was curious about that one but she just had the need to suddenly ask about it
"Why were you worried then?... When you bruised my face?" Winter asked and Karina looks at her
"Not that I was worried... I was just shocked since you were tearing up, I thought I'd hurted you too much... It's been awhile since I used force" Karina replied and fixed her glasses
"Hmm... I see..." Winter replies, unsure of what to say next. She looks at her paper before standing up and putting it on Karina's desk
"I've finished this" Winter says and Karina looks at her paper before taking it
"Okay... You can leave now" Karina replies and Winter doesn't know what came over her but she tucks the teacher's loose hair behind her ear because she noticed that they were hanging infront of her face
"Oh! Sorry..." Winter apologizes and pulls her hand back but it doesn't get far as Karina gets a hold of her
"Uhm... Can you call your mom for me? I have some things to discuss with her" Karina says diverting the attention and Winter slowly nods her head, Karina let's go of her arm and focuses back on the paper while Winter prepared to leave, she looks back at Karina once more, biting her lower lip before grabbing her bag and going out of the room
"Welcome" Taeyeon greets and Karina just smiles awkwardly as she entered the Kim's residence, she had agreed to help Taeyeon reconcile with her child but she didn't think they'd be in their house, she was just gonna have them talk but here she was
"Oh? Karina?"
Karina looks at the stairs and a smile immediately plasters on her face as she sees the girl running down to greet her and give her a hug
"It's been so long since we last saw each other! Why are you here? Visiting us?" She asked and Karina nods her head as she gives a slight look towards Taeyeon
"Unnie come help—" Winter stops as she sees Karina and her sister hugging right infront of their mom, her eyebrows furrowed at the sight
"Oh! Winter! Come meet Karina, we've been friends since highschool!"
"Unnie... She's my teacher..." Winter replied and the girl looks up at Karina who chuckle and nod her head
"What? You teach now? Since when?"
"Since I graduated college Miyeon unnie" Karina replies and Miyeon gasps
"Really? And don't call me unnie! I'm only a year older than you" Miyeon argues and Karina laughs
"Uhmm... Come, I cooked dinner" Taeyeon butts in and before Karina could answer Miyeon was already pulling her to the table while Winter made her way down
"Where's Sunoo?" Karina asked
"Oh! He's still working, you know sunoo's hardworking" Miyeon replies and Karina nods her head as they sat down, it may look bad but she was sat right in the middle of Taeyeon and Winter, Miyeon sat at the opposite side of hers which made it some what awkward and uncomfortable for the 3 of them, Miyeon unaware of the atmosphere that she'd created
"I didn't know that you were teaching... You're teaching... At Winter's school?" Miyeon asks, Karina pitied Taeyeon... Her children doesn't even want to speak of her name because of what she had told Winter, does she regret it? Maybe a bit but her emotions got the best of her and she was a bit tipsy as well
"Hmm... My mom commended me, I used to teach in mom's disciplinary school but it's closed for the next 3 years for building renovations and other stuff" Karina replies, she eyes Winter who was silently eating her food and Taeyeon who was waiting for a proper time to speak
"That reminds me... Winter" Karina calls out and the girl immediately looks at her
"You need to pass in your other works... You haven't submitted any works besides the one that you passed today" Karina says and Winter's eyes widened, she looked at Winter who immediately raised a brow at her
"You haven't been doing your work?" Miyeon asked and Winter panics, her siblings doesn't know of her rude behavior at school... Not even their mom mentioned it
"No no it's not like that, Winter's been doing good recently but her works are a little behind because of... Other things that came up during the first days" Karina rebuts and Miyeon nods her head, buying the excuse
"May we talk after this? You have a guests room right?" Karina whispers and Winter blinks before nodding her head
"Where's my sisters— Oh! Noona!" Sunoo exclaims as soon as he entered, he quickly latches onto Karina as if he were a koala and Karina could only chuckle
"Sunoo were eating, come on sit down and eat with us" Karina invites and Sunoo immediately smiles and sits next to Miyeon
"Why are you here noona?" Sunoo asked and discreetly points at their mom who was now silently eating
"Just some stuff I need to talk about with Winter... I'm her teacher, that's why" Karina replies, slowly nodding her head, understanding what Sunoo's actual question was and Sunoo sighs
As soon as dinner was done, Karina asked if she could borrow the guest room to talk with Winter and of course Taeyeon led her the way, entering the room with her. Winter followed later and almost immediately leaves as soon as she saw her mom in the same room but her siblings were quick enough to block her from running away, Karina excused herself and went out. She waited outside the door with Sunoo and Miyeon and it was going great, there weren't any arguments as far as they could tell but Winter pushes the door open, tears running down her cheek and a red mark on her face, she pushes her siblings aside and runs to her room. Karina stared at Taeyeon who was also stunned in her place, looking at her own hand
"You're such a difficult woman to deal with..." Karina sighs and looks at Sunoo and Miyeon
"Can you... Talk to her?" Sunoo asks and Karina points at herself, the two nod their heads
"What? Why me? You're the family" Karina replies and Miyeon sighs
"Winter isn't one to open much to us... She tells us some things but she leaves out a lot of details and we're just left to wonder what was missing... Even this incident... We only know that she wasn't talking to mom because of what she did... Nothing else" Miyeon replies and Karina breathes in frustration
The Kims were a total opposite of their family, in the Yu's they're always open to each other, they tell everything in such great detail to each other because that's just the way they grew, they grew relying on each other and helping each other. The Kims on the other hand were totally closed books, you can't read them until they get vulnerable enough to tell you anything. Karina had to learn that the hard way when she and Miyeon fought back in highschool, she didn't know what she'd done and had to ask Taeyeon for advice, Miyeon eventually talks to her and Karina finds out that she'd been mad with Karina because she didn't give anything to Miyeon during Valentines day. Karina was so dumbfounded by that reason, it seemed so low for Miyeon to avoid her for almost a week because of that... She never even got her siblings anything for Valentines, heck not even in their birthdays
"Fine I'll talk to her... Where's her room?"

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