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Another day... Another problem as Winter constantly makes noise while Karina teaches, ofcourse the teacher warns her but she never once listened so it was definitely a fail to making her shut up
"Miss Kim, detention" Karina says and Winter looks at her, a grin forming on her lips
"Can't have me there, you have more classes today" Winter replied and Karina settles the book that she was holding, on top of her desk
"Who said I can't move detention to after classes?" Karina replied with a lifted eyebrow and it irked Winter who stands up and throws her pen at Karina
Karina swiftly dodged the pen and picks it up before putting it on her desk
"You missed" Karina taunted and Winter was growing angry by the second, some of her classmates laughed but hid it and she wasn't having any of it
"Fuck you" Winter says and picks up a ruler, throwing it towards Karina
She was about to laugh as Karina didn't seem like she was gonna dodge but she gets stunned as the teacher catched it before it hit her, with a straight face she looks at Winter
"Karina! Bad news! Irene!" Taeyeon bursts into the classroom, seemingly tired. She eyed Karina who was holding a ruler before looking at Winter who was standing up with a shocked expression
"Which room?" Karina asked and Taeyeon had to recollect her breath for a moment before replying
"Homeroom" Taeyeon manages to say in between her breaths and Karina rushes out as Taeyeon followed behind her, Karina's students who were curious as to what was happening also followed them... Secretly as if they were caught they would be immediately punished as the Principal was with their teacher
"This little bi—"
"Unnie stop! What the hell are you doing?" Karina exclaims as she opened the door, finding Irene who was gripping a student's shirt
"Rina?" Irene asked as she turned to the door
"Talk... No way out" Karina says firmly and goes inside, practically dragging her sister away
"Stay inside your class... Wait for your next teacher to arrive" Taeyeon said as she followed Karina who was still dragging Irene away
"Come on! That girl has gotten on my nerves! I was just gonna give her a warning!" Irene protests as Karina kept dragging her along
"This is not our disciplinary school unnie, warnings that we give aren't allowed in normal schools" Karina explains and stops as they reached the teacher's lounge, she pushes Irene inside and lets Taeyeon in first before closing the door behind them
"So what? We already have permission... Don't we, Taeyeon unnie?" Irene asks and Taeyeon sighs
"That's true but it hasn't been long since we got transferred here, you know how mom will react when she hears that you've already used our methods within just days of transferring" Karina argues and leans against the door, crossing her arms across her chest
"What do you mean?" Taeyeon asked and turned to Karina
"We might be mom's little devils but we promised her that we won't resort to our own ways to discipline the students here... Or until it's been a month that we've been transferred" Karina replies and Taeyeon looks at her
"Were... Were all the reports about... Your disciplinary ways... True?" Taeyeon asked and Karina stared at her
"Yes... It's why I got banned from punishing the students there..." Karina replies, not denying it as there was no point in doing that if the reports have already came in
"We told you so... It had gotten so bad at one point... Karina managed to make the kid break into tears... And mind you the boy was well built and the leader of the taekwondo team... But Karina managed to break his mentality and also his arm which took 2 months to heal" Irene butted in and Taeyeon facepalmed, now she regrets asking for help from these girls
"What about that girl from the reports? I forgot her name..." Taeyeon asked Karina immediately frowned
"Oh that girl... Well to put it simply, she got obsessed with Karina and even threatened Karina that if she doesn't date her she'll report to mom... Karina went berserk and... Mom had to come in and subdue her, she was banned from teaching for awhile after that and she eventually got banned forever from punishing in our school" Irene replies in Karina's stead and Karina could only grimace
"I can't believe your school is still up and running... And I can't believe students still apply for your school despite your ways" Taeyeon says with a worn out sigh, she sits down before looking at Karina
"Technically mom's a big league, even if they wanted to close our school down... They can't" Irene replies and Karina nods
"But the school is shutted down right now... Since the buildings are being repaired and also because we transferred here" Karina adds
"I'll allow the punishments as long as they won't harm the students" Taeyeon said and Karina furrows her eyebrows
"What kind of rule is that? It's like contradicting each other" Irene says
"Resort to other methods..." Taeyeon says and Karina looks at the doorknob before putting her index finger on her lips, hushing the two
"Your kid's here" Karina said opened the door, making Winter fall onto the ground with the other students right behind her
"You were saying we can punish the students as long as we don't harm them... Right? Ma'am Principal?" Karina asked as she looked at Winter who stood up, embarrassed at herself
"Isn't that great Miss Kim? Now you don't have to worry about not getting appropriate punishment" Karina says and looks at Winter who glares at her
"You don't seem like the type to be siblings with those terrors" Winter says and points at Irene
"Why? Do you think I don't have it in me?" Karina asked and Winter squinted at her
"No definitely not, your detentions don't scare me... I think your sister scared me more earlier than you've ever scared me" Winter bites back and Irene huffs a sigh
"Oh well... You're not getting out of that one... Keep an eye out, not for your daughter because I tell you... Destruction and Chaos is about to fall and you best expect that it's gonna come from my sister" Irene warns and pats Taeyeon's shoulder for goodluck
"If you think what I did earlier was already bad... You're in for a treat" Irene adds as she looked at Karina who remained poker face while looking at Winter
"That little facade of yours is going to get wiped off" Karina says and Winter raises a brow, crossing her arms
"What's that supposed to mean?" Winter asked
"It won't be fun if I tell you now, that's for you to find out Miss Winter Kim" Karina replies and brushes ast the girl as she makes her way out of the room
"Winter... Keep it down, you've caused enough trouble" Taeyeon warns and Winter rolls her eyes
"Facade my ass... I'll show her that she's no match for me" Winter declares and walks away while her mother could only watch
"I hope you're alright with your kid being involved with Karina... She's not getting out of this situation unscathed... It's not like Karina's gonna hurt her but you know? You gotta prepare for the worst" Irene advices as she leaves Taeyeon to ponder on what she should do... She now regrets asking for help and thinks it might've been better if she just kept hiring new teachers but she's already reached this far so... Might as well see it through
"Karina... Please be a bit considerate..."
"What's this?" Winter asked as she looks at the paper on her desk, she looks around and everyone seemed to have the same pieces of paper on their desks
"Come find me?... The first student who finds me will be exempted from quiz? Is this Miss Yu's way of threatening us?... Wow... Talk about lame" Giselle said and Winter chuckles
"She's trying so hard to be intimidating that it's quite pitiful" Winter replied and setted the paper down
"I heard the other classes had these papers for Miss Yu's class and she didn't attend any class... She hasn't been found by anyone yet" One of the students announced and Giselle looked at Winter
"Oh?... It says... Exempted from quiz... For the whole year!?" Giselle says as she thoroughly reads the paper, Winter immediately picks up the paper again and just like Giselle said... It was exemption for the whole year. The class turned silent for a moment before the students start rushing out and as soon as they leave their classroom, they see other students running around the hallways with same piece of paper in their hands... This was real but the thing was... They don't know where on earth their teacher could be
"How do we know it's not a scam?"
"Because it's not, trust me" Irene says and Winter looks at her. Irene leaned against the doorframe and raised the paper in her hands
"It's been approved by your mom, if you can find her within today you'll be exempted from a whole year of quiz" Irene said and showed the principal's signature on the paper
"How are we supposed to find her in this big ass school?" Giselle asked and Irene only shrugged
"You better start looking, otherwise you'll lose your chance... That's a whole year of no quiz, you can graduate without having to worry about your quiz scores" Irene provoked and Winter looked at the paper hesitantly
It was almost the end of the school day but no one managed to find Karina, it feels as though the girl was hiding underground that no one spotted her, ofcourse some student doubted the legitimacy of the game but Karina's siblings immediately cleared that Karina did indeed come to school and she's just hiding, they claim to have talked to her during a few times but no one spotted her at all, the principal also confirmed that she was in school grounds but it just seemed so impossible to find her
"Don't you have detention today? Since you skipped detention yesterday?" Giselle asked and Winter sighed, leaning against her chair
"Yeah... And I can't skip today because mom's keeping an eye on me... That teacher isn't even here so who the hell will supervise the detention? But I still have to go... I'll just play games on my phone until detention is over" Winter replied and grabbed her bags, their classroom gets dismissed and she makes her way through the hallways. Almost everyone was going home and no one else had gotten detention which was quite a relief for Winter as she'll be alone
She makes her way to detention and sits down, she relaxes on her seat and takes out her phone and airpods. She puts her music on before resting her head on the desk, she breathes a sigh of relief before closing her eyes, unbeknownst to her... She's being watched
Winter stretches her arms out and opens her eyes, she looks at her phone and sees that it'd only been 30 minutes since she came to detention and she has to wait for 30 minutes to pass by, she removed the airpods from her ears before lifting her head up from the desk
"Did you have a good sleep?"
"Yeah I did— what the fuck!?" Winter jumps from her seat as she looks at the teacher's desk to see... None other than her homeroom teacher, Karina Yu
"What the hell are you doing here!?" Winter asked in disbelief and Karina just stared at her, unamused
"I've been here since early in the morning, no one came to check here" Karina replied nonchalantly
"Wait... You've been hiding here this whole time?... Doesn't this mean that I won your game?" Winter asked, a smirk plastering across her face
"No, time's already up... The game duration only lasted through the school day, you're going through your after class already so no one won" Karina replied and Winter frowned at her reply
"That's bullshit... I'm leaving then" Winter said and grabbed her bag, she walked towards the door... But her eyes widened in surprise as she twisted the knob and... It wouldn't budge
"Let's have a little talk, shall we? Miss Winter Kim I think we have quite a bit to talk about"
Winter turned towards Karina and her eyes immediately land on the keys that the teacher was twirling in her fingertips
"Let me fucking out of here... This is illegal, you're basically kidnapping me" Winter said and Karina raised a brow
"I've done worse things than kidnap students... Sit down, before I make you" Karina replied and Winter furrowed her eyebrows, refusing to submit to the teacher's authority
Karina stood up from her seat which immediately alerted Winter, she tries to scream but Karina was already infront of her... Covering her mouth
"I wouldn't do that... No one can hear you, no one's out there... If anything you'll just be wasting air and I don't like noise Winter... Specially if unnecessary" Karina warns and Winter's eyes widened, she tried to get the teacher's hand off of her but Karina was too strong to push away. Karina pushes Winter against the wall and keeps her mouth covered, Winter bites onto Karina's hand but it only earns her a groan and a wince
"You're lucky that your mother talked me into not hurting you otherwise you would be very sorry right now" Karina says as she leans her head towards Winter's
"I'll be very clear Winter Kim... Behave for the rest of the school year and you'll be fine" Karina advised and Winter furrowed her eyebrows, she shakes her head vigorously and Karina had to forcefully push her hand against the girl's lips
"Your mom... Will be put into debt if you and your friends don't behave now Winter Kim" Karina said and Winter stops moving
"Your mother is friends with my mom but don't think that this job is free for any of us... Your mother is paying very well just for our service in this school and if there's no result in our teachings then the price will only sky rocket as she wants to keep tabs on you until you move up this year... Isn't she a nice mom? She'll do anything just to see you graduate and you're here being a bitch and making her pay more and more for our services" Karina explained and Winter stares at her
"Bottom line of this conversation... If you don't show results of becoming a better student... I'll keep staying here... Your mother will have to keep paying me just to keep you at bay, it doesn't matter if I do a good job in teaching... I can take advantage of this situation if I wanted to but I'm giving you a chance Winter Kim because your mom is doing everything she can just to have you graduate and also because I know how hard she's been working her ass off just to not have you expelled" Karina adds and pulls away from Winter who wasn't putting up a fight anymore
"All you need to do is listen and be a better student, ofcourse my help isn't free but we'll have common ground... I get to earn my keep and leave this school after all this and you get to graduate and not burden your mom" Karina said and Winter looked at her
"I'm not paying nor am I gonna listen to you" Winter replied and Karina crossed her arms
"Then we'll have a problem"

The Teacher's Pet (Good Girl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora