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Karina knocks on Winter's door as she had left Miyeon and Sunoo to talk with their mom inside the guest room, she doesn't know why the hell she was going to this extent with the Kims but she's here anyways
"It's me Winter... Can you open the door?" Karina called out, leaning her ear against the door and hearing sobs from the other side
"Look... I'm sorry that I left you with your mom in there but she asked help from me because you weren't talking to her... I just thought it'd be best for you guys to talk it out but clearly... I was wrong" She doesn't know why she's explaining her side of the story but she just felt like she needed to, to somewhat ease the girl
"Why can't you just leave!? You're making things worse for me!" Winter exclaims and Karina sighs, she goes down the stairs and goes to the guest room
"I think I should leave... Winter won't talk to me either since this incident is my fault" Karina says and Miyeon nods her head
"Thanks for trying to help Rina... Sorry you had to witness all this" Miyeon says and Karina just purses her lips
"It's not like I haven't seen worse... I'll get going then... Pardon me" Karina says as she bows and leaves the house, she heads straight home and goes into her mother's office
"Yes? You look like a mess, something happened?" Tiffany asked and it felt so relieving to have someone understand her without needing to give out a word... Karina thought
"Their situation got worse... I may have meddled with them" Karina replies and sits down on the couch, Tiffany stands up from her seat and goes to Karina, giving her a hug
"Sometimes I don't know if you're too nice or too evil" Tiffany says and Karina immediately stares at her, unamused
"I'm just stating facts honey... Want me to call your sisters?" Tiffany asks and Karina shakes her head
"I'm fine... School tomorrow might be hell though..."
And it actually wasn't, it was actually unusually quiet in school, Winter wasn't doing or saying anything for her and neither was Taeyeon. It was peaceful yet also very much irritating because Karina passed down the hallways to see Winter deliberately avoiding her mom while Taeyeon was trying her best to disregard Winter from her sight, it was a sight to see and Karina was even receiving glances from Giselle and Ryujin which means they too knew what was up
"Miss Kim, your homework?" Karina asked and Winter glanced at her before lowering her head
"Please meet me in detention or I'm deducting grades straight from your card, this is the 15th time" Karina reminds as she packs her bags and gets ready to leave
Karina grabs her bags and bids her goodbye to the students, heading straight to the detention room. She pulls out homework papers as soon as she arrives and starts grading them, the door opens and her eyes immediately look up to see Winter standing at the doorframe, looking like she doesn't want to enter
"Will you come in or do I need to pull you in?" Karina asks and Winter gets inside, closing the door behind her before walking up to the teacher's desk
"Homework" Karina says and Winter sits down and takes out her paper silently, Karina was expecting the whole ignoring thing but she doesn't care all that much as long as she could do her job... But she also doesn't want a single missing work from Winter because that'll affect her grades
"Yesterday... I didn't mean to yell..." Winter starts and Karina looks at her
"You don't need to apologize, I understood your situation which is also why I left" Karina replied and removes her glasses
"The homework is what—" Karina stops as Winter looks up to meet her eyes, Winter suddenly stands up and gets closer to her table
"She's so... Bitchy for being mad when I was the one who was affected" Winter says and Karina saw it coming... Again... The Kims will open up as soon as they're too vulnerable to keep it within themselves, they'd want to confine their emotions to someone and Winter's doing exactly that... Karina knows a lot just from their past behaviour and her observation skills never fail
"She was mad that I became a rebel just because she didn't give me time... Was time something that hard to give to a child who was in need of her parent?" Winter asks and Karina stares right at her
"No, which is why I have decided to not take her side on this one" Karina replies and it amuses her how Winter's face softened... It was another observation, Winter... Loved attention. If she wasn't getting it from her mother of course she'd seek somewhere else to get the attention she needed, it's why she was doing all those things in the first place
"Right? She acts like she's the only thing that matters, what about me? What about us? Her children?" Winter replies and Karina nods
"And I remembered your words from that dinner..." Winter says and Karina feels like she had gotten herself into a situation she wasn't getting out of
"And you've helped my mom... Why don't you help me this time?" Winter asks, it was clear that she was desperate to show her mom that she was wrong. Of course Karina can deny and give out the reason that she works for her mom but that wasn't entirely the case... She's working for the sake of helping Winter graduate and change her behaviour
"Hm? You've got a deal for me?" Karina asks, fueling the mind of Winter who immediately leans her hands against the table
"What do you say... Help me piss her off more... So she can get a better taste of her own medicine" Winter says and Karina thinks... This is getting out of hands way too faster
"But what's in that for me? It sounds like it'll only benefit you" Karina provokes, she was trying to see how far Winter can get this to go... She was testing the waters for Winter's capability, she needed more observation on Winter to provide a method for her behaviour
"Shit... Well... What do you want?" Winter asks and in Karina's mind a bell rings, like Winter had just given her the right answer
"You ask like you'd be able to give me anything I ask for" Karina says and Winter gulps, she's now realizing that she was talking to a wolf in sheep's clothing
"Maybe something I can give?... Can you think of something?" Winter asks and Karina was playing her cards right, she knew she was getting to Winter's mind by fueling her more
"Are you usually this vulnerable because it seems like if I just throw anything at you... You'll bite like a fish that's been thrown into a pond for kids to catch" Karina asks and Winter furrows her eyebrows
"Stop with your metaphors... It hurts my brain trying to understand" Winter replies and Karina chuckles
"Say... Would you give anything as long as you can provide it?" Karina asks and Winter looks at her eyes, determined to make her mother's life just a little more miserable
"Yes, anything" Winter replies
This is the moment Karina was waiting for, putting Winter under pressure... She knew Taeyeon was going to seek for her after what had happened which is why she led Winter to the detention room to see how she'll act
"Shit..." Winter mutters as she hears Taeyeon's voice outside the door
The doorknob twists and Winter pulls Karina to stand up, planting her lips against the older woman's and praying to heavens
Karina wasn't expecting this kind of route, nonetheless grabs the girl's head and pulls her away
"Your mother didn't enter, if you had paid attention you came in here last and you closed that door... As long as this room isn't opened with a key then that door will automatically lock itself behind you" Karina explains and Winter stares at her, dumbfounded by the information
"Karina?" Taeyeon calls out once more and tries twisting the knob again
"Huh... Maybe she's not here today..." Taeyeon mutters before walking away, trying her luck to see and talk to Karina in the teacher's lounge
"Oh my god..." Winter says and Karina almost laughs at how the girl's face turned bright red
"Is that how you deal with a stressful situation? That's not a good reflex" Karina teased and Winter immediately pulls away in embarrassment, hiding her face in her hands
"Quite a particular response" Karina teases again and Winter grabs her bag and head to the door
"Shall I take you up on your deal, Winter? Only if you help me in return" Karina says and Winter halts, her head turning towards Karina
"Your method does intrigue me... Don't you think she'll be mad if she learnt that her daughter and her trusted aide were to be in this kind of situation?" Karina asks, she doesn't know why she's going through the trouble to do this... Has her body finally given up on the whole "Preserving until meeting the right one" after that whole fiasco of one night stands?
"You're saying... We should... Hook up?" Winter asked and Karina doesn't answer, she didn't know what to say... Should she back out now's the time but her mouth doesn't open, her voice doesn't come out
"I knew you had a thing for me you old woman" Winter mocked and Karina's eyebrows furrowed, she opens her mouth to finally say something but Winter wasn't done
"I mean... You're still in your prime... It wouldn't hurt to have a go, I bet a lot of other students have thought of you in another way" Winter adds and Karina's words get stuck in her throat
"Hmm... Ryujin did suggest fucking you to get you fired and I refused it... Now I think it's quite a good idea, we're both in the same boat now afterall" Winter says and she fully turns back to Karina and walks towards her, she was being bold now that the teacher had suggested the idea... Of course it went through her mind... Fucking her teacher to create more trouble for her mother... She thought of it while writing that homework she didn't get to do in class after thinking her circumstances with her mother... She thought of it as she watched Karina's hands glide through papers, her focused eyes and her necktie that she so badly wanted to pull... Sure... You can say she'd gotten charmed by the devil named Karina but can you blame her? She's only a girl... She has her wants and needs only in this moment... She wanted and needed Karina
"I'll take you up on that wonderful idea Miss Yu... I do quite like it" Winter adds as she trails her hand over Karina's collar, her finger hooking onto her necktie and tugging it ever so slightly
A breath gets forced out of Karina's mouth as she watched Winter, she stares into the student's eyes and sees both determination... And lust
"Very well... I will say... I'm not the nicest in any way, I hope you remember" Karina replies and Winter feels a tingle in her spine, she bites her lip and leans even closer to the teacher
"Oh trust me I remember... I know that fact very well... But I'm already broken beyond fixing, that's why we're in this predicament... You can break me more if you wanted to" Winter takes her up on her word and Karina's hand slithers around her waist
"That'd be perfect... Don't go begging me to stop if you ever get hurt more than you should because... I won't stop even if you cry and plea" Karina warns one more time and it only gets Winter excited... Has she always been this excited with the teacher? Has she not noticed herself harbouring these kinds of thoughts? Because damn... Karina looked like a prey that would eat her alive yet she only feels excited for what's to come
"Oh but I bet you'll only like it more if I beg and cry" Winter remarks and Karina chuckles
"Damn right" Karina says and looks at her watch
"Go scurry off now little lion, I'm sure your mother is already searching the school for me and it won't be a good start to our plan if she catches us right now" Karina says as she lifts the girl's head up
"I'll give you a reward tomorrow if you go home now and act like you've finally come to terms with your mother" Karina says and Winter nods her head, it wasn't a simple promise... It was a command and Winter was more than willing to do what Karina was telling her because why the hell would she go against a hot woman's orders?

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