Kunwar Pratap's Confusion

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Amidst the loud cries of traders, chatter of the people, neighing of the horses at a nearby stable, he noticed her. Clad in a mild shade of pastel green amidst the dark blues, oranges and reds; he was sure he could spot her from a mile away simply by the color of her clothes and the distinct yellow band that sat sightly on her arm, indicating that she was an on duty physician.

The noise around him seemed to turn into silence as he approached her and whispered, "Ajabde."

She turned around with a frown which soon turned into a warm smile as she teased, "Is the crown prince of Mewar dehydrated, under the hot sun?"

He grinned shaking his head in denial, until she noticed his hands clasped behind his back and asked, "What are you hiding?"

Promptly, he held out his hand towards her and showed her a pair of gold anklets that sparkled under the rays of the sun. "These are for you."

"What for!" She exclaimed, amused by his strange and sudden gesture.

"Well....I dont think there should be a reason to gift a friend!" Replied Kunwar Pratap, with a shrug. "And if at all you need a reason to accept this gift then I can give you plenty."

"Whatever the reason, I cannot accept it

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"Whatever the reason, I cannot accept it." She replied, her voice gentle and soft.

"Why not?" Frowned the prince.

"Because money, status and gifts are the three things that should never come in a friendship." She replied. "Undoubtedly the anklets are beautiful but....I cant accept it from my best friend."

Kunwar Pratap found the entire concept absurd, he gazed at her puzzled for a moment only to reply, "I agree social status and money shouldn't come in a friendship, but what is the harm in a gift?"

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Kunwar Pratap found the entire concept absurd, he gazed at her puzzled for a moment only to reply, "I agree social status and money shouldn't come in a friendship, but what is the harm in a gift?"

"Because tomorrow, I will be compelled to give you something more bigger and better." Replied Ajabde. "And you're the crown prince of Mewar, you have everything, what do I give you!"

Kunwar Pratap simply smiled comprehending the logic behind her words, saying, "Being your friend is my biggest gift. I cannot talk to Chakrapani, Fateh, Duda or even Shakti the way I talk to you. You just seem to comprehend everything, even my deepest fears."

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