Two warriors

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He gazed with blur eyes at the dead man who lay levitating on a spear that jutted through his spine, pinning him firmly to the ground. 

"LOOK OUT!" The loud shout from behind the crown prince, made him swing around alarmed. He noticed one of the enemy soldiers drop dead behind him. "Focus."

Kunwar Pratap nodded his head vigorously and continued to fight. 

The people have suffered, my soldiers and chieftains are fighting and shedding their blood and for what! For a man who is so insecure of Mewar that he believes we will take over what is his, thought Kunwar Pratap, as he furiously kept fighting with all his might. No one has the right to take our land away from us and no one gets away by harassing the people.

Aged 14, the young crown prince of Mewar led his first war. When his people groaned in misery and his beloved soldiers and chieftains slayed, the enemy had no choice but to face the wrath of the young prince. 


The death of Humayun had left the crumbling Mughal empire in shambles. The weight of the crumbling, unestablished empire had fallen upon the tender shoulders of a 13 year old Jalal-ud-din Muhammad. 

"Khan baba, how am I supposed to rule Hindustan? How do I accomplish what my ancestors couldn't?" Asked the young lad, his small round face filled with fear and anxiousness. 

"Jalal," sighed Bairam Khan, gently placing a hand on the boys shoulder. "I shall wield your sword for you. This Bairam Khan, vows his allegiance to you and the Mughal empire." Glancing at the map of Hindustan he added, "Until we watch the Mughal flag waving to its heights and all the kingdoms and kings bow down before the Mughal Sultanate, we shall not rest."

The young lad nodded and the veteran general looked at him saying, "Go, take your throne."

With a renewed vigor, Jalal-ud-din walked towards the pulpit and sat upon the throne, as the crown was placed on his head. 

"SHAHENSHAH-E-HIND JALAL-UD-DIN MUHAMMAD. ZINDAABAD. ZINDAABAD." Roared the soldiers in one loud voice. 

Only time would tell, what was instore in the fates of two warriors, upon whom rested both history and hope!  

Wishing all of you'll a very happy and blessed Holi 🎉

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Coming soon




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