Little Donkey

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I faced challenges from a young age, losing my mother when I was just two years old. Luckily, my father was an amazing parent who cared for me perfectly. Sometimes I think of myself as his spoiled child. When I expressed my desire to attend the same school as Eria, he supported me without mentioning that it wasn't a school for wealthy students. Despite the challenges, the education I received there was top-notch.

I first noticed Eria when I saw her in the park, swinging on the wooden swing with her best friend. Their laughter filled the air as they played. Eria's deep, captivating eyes caught my attention, and I couldn't bring myself to look away until she left the park with her grandpa.

A year or two later, I found myself constantly observing her in a mix of emotions that eventually made me realize I was deeply in love with her. I was so enamored with her that I would do anything to see her smile and the sparkle in her eyes. She is my beloved, and I would go to great lengths to make her happy, even if it meant sacrificing my own life.

The recent months have been difficult for me... Despite admitting my feelings for Eria and entering into a relationship with her, the shocking event involving Perla has deeply affected me. The fact that Javier Perez, who is nicknamed "the king" in the business industry, could commit such a heinous act against a woman is unfathomable. Despite his notorious reputation for mistreating women, I couldn't believe he would stoop so low. As I processed everything, my hatred towards him intensified, especially knowing of his connections to criminal organizations.

The mistreatment he has inflicted on Eria has filled me with a desire to seek revenge, to inflict merciless torture upon him if only I could. His malicious gaze is fixed on her, unaware of her perfection. She possesses beauty and intelligence, captivating others with just her voice and eyes. Despite his cruel treatment of her, I am determined to make her mine and shower her with everything she deserves.

Currently, I'm in the company of Jax and Freddie, who appear to be deep in contemplation. The primary discussion revolves around the idea of sending Perla to an NGO. Meanwhile, amidst these conversations, I find myself contemplating the idea of marrying Eria soon. However, I am uncertain about how to propose to her, as I am unsure if she is ready for marriage. Nevertheless, my musings about marriage were brought to a halt when Fred announced that he had already arranged for Perla to be picked up by the authorities the day after tomorrow. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I hadn't even realized they had contacted the NGO and made all the necessary arrangements.

"I am glad to hear that,” Jax said as I stayed quiet. My mind is blank, with only Eria being able to pick up on my thoughts.

“Don't worry, I'm here for you,” said Fred as he sat next to me. “What's on your mind, Oscar?” Jax inquired, showing his concern.

“Eria. I'm thinking about her. I can't control my mind. I don't wanna lose her, Jax. I love her so much that I can't even think about her going away from me, Fred. I-I want to marry her. Make her only mine. Just mine. I don't wanna lose her for God sake, brother. I can't bare to lose her. Can you guys help me?” I was being emotional. So emotional that I'd break down in a few seconds.
"Do you truly want to marry her?" Jax asked, while putting his hand on mine and giving me a gentle side hug.

"I'm completely certain. I've never been more sure, Jax. After all that has happened recently, I can't leave her alone," I replied excitedly.

"Don't fret, we'll support you. No need to be anxious, Oscar. We'll be there for you, okay?" Fred chimed in, offering his own hug.

"But will she say yes to the proposal?" The question lingered in my mind.

"Don't stress, we've got this covered, our little donkey. " they reassured me with a smile.

"I'm not a donkey, and definitely not your little donkey," I protested, which just made them all burst into laughter.

"I'm getting married to my love here, so please stop calling me a donkey," I said with a stern look, though I couldn't help but join in their laughter.

"You are our little donkey after all," one of my other close friends chimed in as I realized they were all there too. I pulled away from their hugs and walked off, feigning annoyance.

"Hey, where are you headed? We have a lot to plan for tonight. Come back here," I heard them calling out. I turned around and went back to them.

"Yeah, return to us, our little donkey," they said, as I walked back to where they were standing. I started to question their comments. I had been working on being a good partner, and here they were calling me a donkey. It was frustrating, but since they were my friends, I tried to defend myself. The whole comparison to a donkey was both puzzling and irritating. I wondered if I really resembled a donkey. If they weren't my buddies, I might have reacted differently to their teasing.

But am I really a donkey? Ahhg!!!


Hi everyone... Sorry for the delay in updates but I was struggling to write a scene. Anyway... You all are going to read the best part of the story...

Thank you

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