The Heart-wrenching Incident!

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Darkness had completely engulfed the surroundings. Then, a soft romantic melody began to play. Two couples gracefully danced to the rhythm, while the other five men stood nearby, drinks in hand. Valeria felt a mixture of surprise and uncertainty as she struggled to process what had happened an hour earlier. Ever since she had said "yes", she had become too shy to even talk to Ola. It was a peculiar situation indeed.

Oscar pulled her closer, gently placing his lips on her forehead. A surge of electricity coursed through her body, a feeling she had never experienced before.

His eyes overflowed with love as he found her utterly adorable. Valeria possessed a charm that captivated him, but there was also a wild, alluring side to her. Since their school days, he had harbored feelings for her. However, seeing her lost and without direction, he had decided to wait for the right moment. And now, here they were, dancing together under the moonlit sky to a romantic song.

After their dance, they returned to the bar where all nine of them sat together, chatting and laughing.

As midnight approached, Ola and Jax headed towards the car.

"OLA!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITHOUT ME? WE CAME IN YOUR CAR!" Valeria shouted in shock at the unexpected reply.

"GO WITH OSCAR! JAX WILL BE STAYING WITH ME, SO I'M TAKING HIM HOME. YOUR BOYFRIEND WILL DRIVE YOU HOME," Ola shouted back before getting into the car. Within minutes, they drove away, leaving Valeria behind.

"You don't mind riding with me, right? I'll make sure you get home safely, Eria!" Oscar's soft but deep voice demanded her attention. Valeria stood there in silence, unsure of what to do. The way he called her "Eria" made her feel special, as no one else had ever called her that.

Though hesitant, she nodded and followed him to his car. As he revved the engine, they embarked on a quiet drive. They exchanged no words for about ten minutes, yet it felt like they were communicating through an unspoken language. Eventually, Oscar broke the silence.

"Eria! Thank you for giving me a chance. I... I've had feelings for you since our school days, but you were..." he paused, interrupted by a sudden halt of the car. They stared at each other in confusion before stepping out.

Oscar quickly assessed the situation, discovering a flat tire. He asked Valeria to wait while he changed it. She obliged, but sensed a strange noise coming from the dark road ahead. Despite the darkness, her instincts urged her forward.

As Valeria approached, she noticed a parked vehicle that resembled a Bronco. As she drew nearer, she heard muffled sounds of a distressed woman. She checked if the door was unlocked and found it slightly ajar. Before she could fully open it, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into their arms.

"Eria! What are you doing here? I told you to wait near the car or inside. Why did you walk towards this dark area?" her boyfriend's voice alleviated her anxiety. She pointed to the Bronco, still closed.

"We shouldn't investigate, chérie! Let's go!" he patted her cheek and guided her tightly into his embrace. But as they turned to leave, a loud bang reverberated from inside the Bronco, as if someone had kicked the door.

"I think we should check, but be careful," Oscar suggested, still holding Valeria with his left arm. They both sensed that something was amiss. Oscar handed her his phone, telling her to use the flashlight. She complied, and he slowly opened the door.

The sight that greeted them left them utterly shocked. They could hardly believe their eyes.

Inside the Bronco, a young woman was bound with tape. Her dress had been torn to shreds, revealing a multitude of scars all over her body. She looked utterly wretched, with blood dripping from every wound. The scars were clearly caused by a sharp blade.

The young woman squinted as the light hit her face, prompting Oscar to redirect the light to a less intense angle.

"Babe, I... I'll go get the car. You help her out. We need to take her to the hospital," Oscar said, his voice filled with concern and tension. Valeria nodded, and within minutes, he returned to the scene. With their combined efforts, they managed to untie the woman and settled her in the back seat of Oscar's car.

They both climbed into the car and sped off to the hospital where Valeria worked, named 'Estrella'.

Upon arrival, Valeria escorted the injured woman to the ward. Before entering, Oscar draped his long jacket over her to ensure her modesty. Valeria assured him that everything would be fine and that she had spare clothes in her office. After much convincing, Oscar reluctantly agreed and left for his home.

Valeria proceeded to her office, changed her clothes, and then made her way to the ward. There, she sat on a nearby couch and reflected on the shocking incident. Who was this girl? What had happened to her? And who could have inflicted such cruelty upon her?

Around 5am, Valeria heard a feeble voice calling out for water. The voice was filled with pain. Valeria knew that the woman had awakened. She approached the bed and saw the frightened expression on the woman's face. Valeria reassured her with her soft voice.

"Good morning, dear! I'm Valeria Castillo, a doctor. Don't worry, you're safe here. Can you please tell me your name?" she gently inquired. The woman nodded, still visibly shaken.

"Pe...Perla Garcia."

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