His face dropped, saddened, his hand was resting at the side of my face, drying away tears with his thumbs "I am so sorry" he said as I let myself fall into his arms again.

"Thank you" I mumbled, as I pulled my head up, with a slight smile "For what?" He asked, staring into my eyes "Comforting me" I sighed, a little embarrassed, "Nothing to thank me for" he said as I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

My Nan was gone, really gone, I would never see her again. My eyes filled with tears thinking about each other again "What are you thinking about?" He asked, as he cupped my face, "Just, uhm, that I will never see my Nan again" my voice broke, "You will someday" he said as he dried my face "Ever heard of the resurrection stone?" he asked, I shook my head slightly "You can resurrect any soul, for a few minutes to talk with them, but you can only resurrect their soul once" he said as I looked at him, "Where is it?" I asked, getting a little excited to see my Nan, he looked down in disappointment "No one knows" he said, my heart sank a little, but now I was on the hunt for that stone, wanting to say goodbye to my nan.

"Uh, I can't stand being in the same room with Pansy" I said, as I stood up looking out at the forests, lakes and Hagrid's hut "Understandable" He said as I glared at him "What, you said it" he said "Yeah but that is because I can't stand anyone when I am upset" I hissed "Not because she annoys me", "Oh, but you stand me huh" He said curiously "Apparently" I scoffed.

I didn't know why, but he made me feel comforted, he didn't talk whilst I was crying, he was just there, there for me.

"I wish I could just have my own dorm" I sighed, as he moved closer "What would you do for it?" he said as I nudged his arm "Right now, anything" I said, not knowing what was to come.

"Come with me" he said as he grabbed my hand, pulling me to the dungeons "Where are we going" I yelled as he kept on pulling me with him "To make a wish come true" he yelled as my short legs started running, he was just walking fast, but with his long strides, I had to run a bit.

We entered the common room "A wish?" I sighed as he kept pulling me with him "You'll see" he said as he muttered some spell that made a door appear, he quickly looked around and pulled me with him inside.

I walked around, his room was black, white and of course green. "This is my dorm room, or my second one" he said as he walked around the room "This is where you took me that night, right?" I asked as he nodded "You can stay here the days you need some alone time" he said, my jaw dropped, why was he so nice to me out of the blue, these past weeks, I made a new friend, or snogging partner/friend.

"Really?" I said as he looked at me "Really" he said as he jumped in the bed "Oh and if I am ever here those nights, just come in anyway, I will go to the other dorm with Blaise and Theo, and make them shut up" he said.

"Thank you, really," I said as I walked around "There are spare toothbrushes, a lot of shampoo, conditioner and body wash, some other necessities my mother thought I should need, but you can use it as you like" he said as he got up. I didn't know what to say, this was something I really needed, I ran over to him jumped into a hug, and we both fell on the bed. That was the first time that day I had felt happy, Malfoy was truly something else.

"You don't have to tackle me," he said as our eyes met, I was laughing, "Sorry about that" I cracked a smile, as he nudged me gently on the arm. We stared at each other, I really wanted to kiss him, everything in my body was telling me to kiss him, but then both of our stomachs made noise "Dinner?" he asked as he got up "Yes, I am dying".

I hadn't noticed the hunger throughout the day, maybe because I was sad, and distracted but I hadn't eaten anything, not even breakfast. Malfoy hadn't eaten anything either, besides breakfast, it was my fault really, he was comforting me.

Hateful desiresWhere stories live. Discover now