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Written no talk.

Seonghwa doesn't know why he hadn't thought about it earlier, why he hadn't tried and piece together the clues he had gotten along the way. But now it was all making sense. He doesn't even remember anything else at this point, all he knew was that he needed to get these answers immediately. He might not know what answers awaits him, or what it'll do for or to him, but one thing was clear. He really needed to do it now. It was now or never, and he'd hate himself for slipping up the chance to get any kind of answer to all of what is happening right at this moment. But then again, he doesn't know what he's looking for, what answers there are, or what answers he needs. Whether it will be fulfilling or not, he couldn't tell. But to Seonghwa, it didn't matter.

Standing in front of the boat, a gust of wind flew by. Like it was telling him to get on with it already. But Seonghwa knew that could be too good to be true. He's here for a reason, he's here because he pieced it together, and now, he's going to get whatever answer was awaiting him on this boat. Ever since he made the pieces stick together, he had been trying his best not to tell anyone. The other's could not know of this, he needed to do this in complete secrecy, or else the answers that would await him would change or go away forever. One thing he knew about that old deadly poem was that it was magical as well. It's said to grant a wish if one completes it.

He was unsure, though. He didn't know if he actually should be doing this. The answers that are awaiting him could possibly be a lot more sacred or confidential than he thinks. The answers might not even be about himself, but about someone else. Perhaps a person he desires to know more about. But as Seonghwa thought about it, he couldn't think of a person he didn't know all that well. Even Joong, he felt like he knew him well enough. But Seonghwa still couldn't tell what could possibly be awaiting him on the boat. So, as he thought about it, another more powerful gust of wind pushed him forward a bit. It was weird, but he knew something must be up.

Taking his first step onto the board leading to the boat, he felt himself releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding. He needed to be prepared for what could be waiting for him. If anything, this could be another one of his parents' dirty tricks. But something inside himself told him that it just wasn't, he didn't know why or how he was this sure that it just was not his parents this time, he just had a feeling. But aside that, he had a lot of different feelings as well, anxiety being one of them. He didn't know what he was truly doing, and he didn't know whether he'd come out of this alive or dead. It was a huge chance to take.

So gradually, he stepped forward once more. He was not on the boat. And when he turned around, everything was still, everything was quiet. It was like someone had turned off the sound of the world, like someone had stopped everything. He looked at the banner in the sky, still as it could be. The falling leaves from the trees hung in the air, and the board to the ship was gone. However, Seonghwa wasn't dumb, he knew what this meant. He thanks himself for spending a lot of time in the library at home. As he had read about this exact thing before in one of the many books his parents owned. They were truly stupid for letting him read them.

A force was surrounding him at the moment, someone with powerful magic. However, he knew it wasn't Joong, mainly because of the fact that he didn't know Seonghwa had gone down here. But who it could be, Seonghwa wasn't sure. The thing about magic was that it sometimes had colors, depending on who it was. Though as he saw no colors in sight, he wondered for a moment. He truly didn't know what or who could be surrounding him at the moment. And as he stood still, he couldn't help but wonder why this force was here in the first place. There was a reason for everything in this world, but what the reason for this was, he couldn't know.

Or rather said, he didn't know. Because if Seonghwa was smart enough, he could locate exactly why this force was here, and who's magic it was. However, to do that, would take a lot of concentration and a lot of quietness. And although the quietness was already gone, the concentration wasn't as easy. Especially when he had to have his guard up at the same time. He couldn't lose his precious time to this, and he had one goal in mind when he got here too. The names. He needed to find them, because he truly believed if he searched the office room where they were located, he would find something related to them. But it wasn't for certain, and therefore, before he got caught in the act, he needed to act fast. He needed to act now.

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