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Hongjoong needed to think.

There were a lot of things he needed to think about recently. But there was one thing that was probably more important than anything. If he'd allowed himself to think like that of course, it wasn't easy, especially when he had been ignoring it and keeping it away from his thoughts for a long time. Hongjoong couldn't remember the last time he thought about things like these, not that it mattered, because right now there was only one person on his mind. However, he didn't get to think long before he was interrupted by an opening door and footsteps. He didn't even look up, he knew who it was anyway.

"Morning old man!" Wooyoung smiled, walking past him in the hallway before coming to a stop as Hongjoong didn't respond like he always did. "What's got you overthinking?"

Reading right through him, something that Wooyoung was excellent at, Hongjoong just sighed. "Nothing, just trivial things."

Nodding slowly, Wooyoung made a face of disbelief. "Sure, whatever keeps you sleeping at night." He then smiled before disappearing into the kitchen, probably to make breakfast for the rest of them.

Shaking his head, Hongjoong decided that taking a stroll outside would probably help clear his head. In the meantime, he could probably think a bit more about what he was dwelling on earlier. He knew Wooyoung probably already knew what was going through him, the younger was more observant than people first thought, a lot smarter than people would agree on, and a whole lot stubborn. Those traits were what made him the person he was, Hongjoong wasn't that much older than Wooyoung, but he knew the younger saw him as a father figure, despite everything. Of course, he didn't mind that, though he would argue he was probably more of an older brother than anything.

The warm summer air greeted him when he got outside, and Hongjoong smiled to himself. He liked living like this, sure he was a wanted man, but the people trying to claim his head didn't even know of this location. Mostly because most ships didn't dare go this way, due to big storms and bad weather out on the sea. Having an enchanted ship really just made everything easier. Putting his hands in his pockets he decided to go take a stroll in the small village. Seeing how everyone was doing and if they needed any help with anything. They had succeeded their plan so far, and it was basically over, no need to work anymore. But Hongjoong, a people person, couldn't help but give in a hand anyway.

He greeted the people down at the village, making his way through the small pathway that was filled with small shops here and there. It reminded him of home sometimes, which was why he went down there. His kingdom was known as the best traders in the whole world, always making fair trades with people, they were considered the heart of all the kingdoms. Well, until a certain pair of greedy, evil people decided to ruin that. But he didn't want to think of that right now, he was here to clear his mind, not make himself angry again. He remembers them. His father and mother, so elegant. His mother was like him, powerful magic at hands, and just like him, she used it to aid people.

Sadly, her magic wasn't good enough to save them from the terror that was bound to happen. However, she did use her last bit of magic to send Hongjoong away to South Patro with a note in his hand. He remembers it as clear as day, Queen Heejin was mad, however, she took him in with open arms, and so did Minkyu. They were best friends with his parents, technically also his godmother and godfather. They had taught him everything, how to use his powers better, how to fight and so much more. They had taken care of him. And he wouldn't lie when he said that being away from them made him miss them just as much as he missed his own parents.

Of course, it was that simple.

Making a plan in his head, he knew he could make it to South Patro by tomorrow, if they got going now. So in a hurried pace, he walked back to the manor. If they could get allowance from the King and Queen, they could use some of their things in the plan of getting back his own kingdom. It wasn't as easy as it sounded, of course, but Hongjoong knew with the right amount of time and training the crew would be able to power through. For now, he had to inform the others of where they were going, and he had an inkling they might be in the dining room at the moment, as Hongjoong had purposely missed out on breakfast because he didn't feel hungry. Making his way inside, everyone looked up at him expectantly.

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