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After they gave back South Patro's artifact, Joong revealed that they would be going home to Eastendale again, and all of them were excited.

Seonghwa for the most part was excited as well, and understood that Joong might just miss that place a lot, especially when traveling a lot. But mainly a bit dazed. He remembers the last time they were there, how Joong had let him into his world for a sweet little moment. He still thinks about it from time to time. Seonghwa half remembers it as a blurry dream, and half remembers it as a real thing that actually happened. Because it was, and somehow he hadn't forgotten about it ever since they were there last. It was a weird memory, but it was one he thought about a lot. He couldn't help it really.

As they sat sail towards Eastendale, Seonghwa for the most part occupied his room. The conversation with Joong was still fresh in his mind. The one from a few days ago, when they were partying. He had felt worthless, and sort of guilty for feeling the way he felt, and then there was Joong, understanding him to the fullest. Seonghwa had sort of felt unrealistic at that moment, but he knew it was very much real. He hugged him, Joongs words were nothing but sweet. Yet, he felt as if he shouldn't have had that interaction with him that day. He doesn't regret it, more or less, it was because ever since that conversation, Joong had been sort of ignoring him. He wasn't sure, but their interactions were always cut short due to something.

Sitting on his bed, he tried to make sense of it all. But it wasn't to any avail. Seonghwa knew there probably wasn't a reason for it, and that Joong was just busy making preparations for when they went home. After all, most of the guys were still celebrating the fact that they got the artifact. Which was also something he continuously thought about, Joong had reacted so weirdly to him saving him. Like he didn't expect him to? Seonghwa didn't know but he hated thinking about it because it was so embarrassing. The way he had reacted. Just as he was about to get up, a knock came at his door and he held his breath for a moment. Before telling the person to come in.

"Hey, Seonghwa!" Wooyoung happily made his way inside of the cabin.

Smiling a bit, Seonghwa got up from his bed to greet the younger. "Hey, Wooyoung... What's up?" He asked, noting the smirk on the younger's face.

"Oh nothing..." Wooyoung feigned innocence for now, but Seonghwa could already tell something was going on.

They stood for a bit, really just talking about the possibilities of when they got back to Eastendale. Wooyoung mainly talked about what they could do, and the things that Seonghwa most likely hadn't seen yet, because last time they were there, it was just for a night.

Giggling suddenly, Seonghwa looked over at Wooyoung confused. "You know, I noticed something recently..." Wooyoung began.

Confused as ever, and very oblivious to what he was going to say, Seonghwa asked. "What?"

Smirking slightly, Wooyoung looked him dead in the eyes. "You and Joong have been awfully close... Especially on the day of the party, I saw you two disappear into his office space?" He lets the last sentence sound more like a question.

Blushing, flashbacks of what had actually happened in there appeared in front of his eyes. Blinking them away, Seonghwa coughed to let it not show, but knowing Wooyoung, he probably already saw.

"I think you've got it all wrong..." Seonghwa's smile faded a bit, turning into a sad one instead.

Along with the flashbacks of being ever so close to the captain, came the reason Seonghwa actually went in there to begin with. Seonghwa had sought out the captain because he was feeling guilty and bad about himself, wanting an answer to his sorrows. Joong had given him exactly that, and comforted him at the same time. Seonghwa couldn't be more grateful towards him, and to see Wooyoung make such accusations made him both blush but also groan in annoyance. The last thing he needed was the crew to think he was somehow doing something with the captain. He didn't need that, he didn't need them to get a reason to hate him. But then again, Wooyoung was the only one who visibly showed it, showing him how he had noticed something.

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