Chapter 17

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"I miss you so much, Twigs," Fatos say, her voice filled with emotion. 

"Me too, Fatos," I reply, hugging her back tightly. 

"Keep calling me every day... I need to hear your voice," I sniff, trying to hold back tears. "You should take a break from styling all your fancy clients to spend time with me."

She laughs, "I can't believe I'm going to be styling socialite and music producer, Alya Turan for the Turkish Grammys. So many changes happening in our lives! I will be styling for red carpets and you will be living with Turkey's number 1 stud." She cheers. 

"I can't believe I'm living with Ferit. It became even more real when I saw my Levi's jeans next to his Ralph Lauren suits. Actually, it became more real when I got to see decorative pillows on the couches. I thought I saw Ferit's eyes bug out, but he held back." I laugh, reminiscing about how I've been slowly moving into the penthouse. 

Fatos serves me some tea and asks "how has it been with all the changes? I can't believe Ferit gave up everything." I take a sip of my tea and respond "He is taking it fairly well. He is handling his investments and is thinking of starting his own company with Sinan. I'm very proud of him." 

"It looks like Ms. Leman isn't taking it so well. The gossip magazines are talking about Ferit leaving the company and how some shareholders and clients have pulled out of doing business. Ms. Leman went back to handling the business with Hakan and it wasn't a smart move. It looks like Hakan has been doing so many turnovers and budget cuts."

"I can't help but feel guilty. He sacrificed everything his family has worked so hard for, just for me," I say, looking down. 

"No, you will not do this," she says sternly. "His mother pressured him into that decision because of her outdated social norms. She is not a reasonable person." Fatos snaps her fingers as she says this. 

I nod and say "She is unreasonable." I mumble because I won't deny that Fatos has a point. "I'll see you tomorrow?" She says 'yes' and I then turn to pick up the last box to take to my car.

As I drive to Ferit's penthouse and park my car next to his, I can't help but chuckle at the sight of my red 2007 Suzuki SX4 next to his luxurious vehicles. It reminds me of how he's been trying to persuade me to purchase a new car, claiming that my current one is too old and contributes to air pollution. I find myself amused by Ferit's arguments. We have made a pact that if my restaurant achieves a Michelin star, he will buy me a new car. Interestingly, my restaurant is currently under consideration for this award. 

I moved in a week ago and I've observed his openness in ensuring I'm comfortable in his home. Not only has he cleared space in his walk-in closet for me, but he has also allowed me to paint the penthouse with a lighter green shade, adorn the walls with colorful paintings, and even put live plants. I hope he won't get tired of me. 

"Hello, love," I greet as I enter the penthouse. I spot him seated on the couch, engrossed in the newspaper. I approach him from behind and plant a loud kiss on his cheek. 

"What was that for?" he inquires. 

"Because I love you," I reply with a shrug. 

"I love having you here. You make this place feel like a home." He pulls me onto the couch, and I land on him and he fills my face with kisses. 

"How are you feeling? I know it's been hard on you not being involved in the company. Seeing Hakan taking over the reigns." I caress his face.

He lets out a heavy sigh and I can see a hint of concern in his eyes. "You mean everything to me so the choice was easy. What pains me is that even after hitting my mother where it hurts, she remains unchanged. I don't want to keep playing these games with her. After all, she is my mother."

I gently stroke his hair, "because she is your mother, I believe she will eventually come around. I've noticed that the Aslan's can be quite proud, so it may take time to apologize" I give him a knowing glance. 

"Oh really!" He lands his lips on mine.


Ferit POV

Zeynep doesn't even make it five feet into the penthouse before she kicks off her high heel shoes. "After walking in Jimmy Choo for six hours and dealing with an active child, these hardwood floors feel like pure heaven. Oh God," Zeynep groans. 

"Well, hello to you too," I murmur as I follow behind her. 

Zeynep heads to the kitchen and pulls out a tub of chocolate ice cream from the freezer. She takes a spoonful and says, "Thank goodness Nazli lives here. You have better food choices because of her." She continues to talk as she indulges in the ice cream. 

"Isn't it too cold outside to be eating ice cream?" I ask. 

She gives me a murderous stare and replies, "I am hot and tired. I just dropped off Bulut for French classes, and I'm on my period so don't you dare judge me."

I roll my eyes. 

"I can't believe you stood up to mom and left the company. I absolutely love it! I made it clear to mom that I won't be taking over your role because I support you. She owes Nazli an apology. I also don't want mom to pass those negative views to Bulut; it's unacceptable to mistreat people based on their income," she continues as she enjoys her ice cream. 

"Sinan and I are starting our own development company. Tomorrow we are planning to have a press conference to announce it the public." 

She laughs. "Oh, this is going to be great! What time?" 

"10:30 am" I reply. 

She taps away on her phone. "I need to make sure this is scheduled in my calendar. I need to be present at my mother's house at this specific time. She is going to flip!" she giggles. 

I shake my head at her "can you be more serious?" 

"Nope. It's about time Mom was stopped. She didn't interfere in my relationship because Demir comes from a wealthy family, but I hate the fact that she has attempted to shame and stoop to such lows just to uphold her reputation. Mother's behavior is absurd." Zeynep says as she pats my hand. 

"I have no regrets and this time I will be running the company the way I see fit. I may have gone from being worth billions to millions, but I don't care. Pass me that bucket," I say, gesturing towards the chocolate ice cream. 

"So, the question of the year... when will you finally pop the question?" Zeynep asks, wiggling her eyebrows at me. 

"It's in the works," I reply with a smirk. 

"Oh my goodness, my brother is getting married!" she exclaims excitedly. "I knew it! From the moment I saw you two together, I knew you were meant to be. Aw, Ferit!"My sister says dreamily. 

We moved the conversation to other topics since I refuse to give my sister any details. I called my good friend who is a family jeweler to meet me tomorrow to sort through rings. 

"Well Hello there." Nazli says cautiously as she enters the kitchen. She is trying to hold her laughter seeing us with a bucket of chocolate ice cream between us. 

"Hi love." I say giving her a light kiss. 

"Hi Nazli. Gosh, I love the fact that you live here. You know how to food shop." Nazli laughs. 

"Zeynep, please invite Demir and Bulut to join us for dinner. I believe that, considering the circumstances, it's important for us to come together and provide support for one another." It's moments like these that deepen my admiration for this woman. 

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