Chapter 5

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Ferit POV

I'm drinking my IPA in Deniz's bar, enjoying beers with my guys: Engin, Deniz who's working behind the bar, and Demir who finally got my sis permission to go out. Engin my best friend and business partner, points out a leggy blonde. She appears eager for attention, with her heavy makeup and tight, inexpensive club dress. "I'm going for her," Engin declares to us.

"Go ahead," I reply, raising my bottle to him.

Leaning against the bar, I watch him make a move on the blonde.  "So, what's on your mind, Ferit?" Demir inquires.

"What do you mean?"

"Usually, you'd have a table full of women and at the end of the night your problem is deciding who to take home."

I shrug "I'd thought I take a break."

His expression shifts from contemplative to one of realization as he looks at me. "There's someone!" he says pointing and laughing. "We've been friends for years, Ferit, and this attitude means you left your balls with a woman."

I huff "You're crazy you know that?"

"Am I wrong tho?" Demir insists

For the first time in my life, I don't have a quick response "I-I..." Demir and I share a laugh when a slender hip bumps into me, intentionally. The owner of the hip is a blue-eyed strawberry blonde who flutters her eyes and gracefully moves playing with her hair, she apologizes, "I'm sorry about that." As I swallow the ale in my mouth, I discreetly give her a quick once-over, taking in her tight jeans and black corset top accentuating her figure. I turn to Demir and confidently say, "watch me," before striding over to corset top.


She giggles with an air of excitement, her laughter is too high-pitched for my liking. I tried several times to ask for her name but with the loud live music its hard to hear. I then try to have a conversation with her but all she knows is social media, fashion, and ridiculous detox diets. After this draining conversation, corset top is making me want to escape. I wish Demir or Deniz could read my eyes and rescue me. As she continues talking, my mind drifts to a brunette with bangs, light brown eyes, a petite frame, and pouty lips. I close my eyes and gently shake my head what's wrong with you, Ferit?

"What are your thoughts on pineapple on pizza?" I mentally scold myself. What the fuck is wrong with me?!

"I avoid pizza because it's carbs" corset top responds. I take a deep breath. My patience is running thin.

I decide to stop entertaining this, "it was nice meeting you but I'm heading home."

"Do you want to grab something together?..." I understood her message but I have no interest in fucking her.

"No. Bye." I was short but I didn't care. I say goodbye to all my friends and walk outside, welcoming the cool air. It helps clear my thoughts from a certain brunette.

I spent another sleepless night consumed by thoughts of Nazli. I barely knew her but there's something about her that sparks my interest. This realization bothers me. As I toss and turn under the sheets with memories of Nazli in her stunning black dress flooding my mind. She is naturally beautiful, she didn't need extra jewelry or fabric. She looked truly perfect, making my heart race. There was also the enjoyable conversation we shared in the kitchen. She stands out from any other woman I've ever met; her humor, resilience, and kindness sets her apart from the rest. I couldn't believe she was an orphan and that she endured so much pain at an early age in her life. She is truly remarkable.

There's also the fact that even during our arguments she's charming. It's fun to get her riled up.

After Pelin, I vowed never to lose my head over a woman again and for two whole years I kept that promise. But it seems like Nazli has seeped into my mind and hasn't gone away. The problem is, I don't know if I want her to.


Nazli POV

Feeling inspired by Fatos interest in a Spanish man, I decided to cook the Aslan family a good hearty paella. I nestle the shrimp, mussels and calamari into the rice and broth mixture, sprinkle peas on top and continue to cook. I taste a bit and I'm very happy with the flavor, making my shoulders move in a dance. This will surely have the Aslan family eating out of their hands.

"Nazli" I hear Ms. Leman call me.

"Yes Ms.Leman"

"Nazli the situation at Zeynep birthday cannot happen again. I expect my employees to behave with respect and stay in their lanes." Her response is curt.

I look down "Ms. Leman, Ms. Zeynep invited me and ..."

She holds a hand up to stop me "I do not care for your excuses. I pay you for a job not to party with my children. Consider this a warning." She keeps a stone appearance

"Understood" I sadly say and she walks out.

I continue cooking after Ms. Leman, I leave the paella simmering on low heat as I head to the spacious walk-in pantry in search of Parmesan cheese and croutons for a Caesar salad. Upon returning to the stove, I catch Ferit sneaking a spoonful of paella. "Hey, Mr. back off the paella. It's not dinner time yet," I warn him. Despite my warning, he succumbs to temptation, scooping up a spoonful and tasting it. "This is so good," he remarks with a satisfied expression. As he swallows the food, he gives me a mischievous look, igniting a rush of excitement within me. I look away, Ferit is so sexy and I need to stop looking at my boss this way. This is so unprofessional, maintain boundaries! Oh man I'm sure he saw my red face.

"Mr. Ferit, please wait till dinner to eat."

"I thought we got rid of the formalities."

"Mr. Ferit I think given my job, it's best to keep the formalities." To divert my attention from him, I grabbed a rag and began wiping down the already clean countertop.

"So we're not friends?" He smirks and I'm not sure if he means it or not. I'm sure the crinkles between my brows have multiplied.

"Oh yeah! we are the best of friends. We bought each other friendship bracelets, go camping, and sing karaoke to our favorite songs." I say sarcastically as he laughs.

He pierces his eyes at me "are we?"

Answering uncomfortable questions is not my thing, I need to avoid this conversation "Mr. Ferit it's time for me to set up the table." I grab the large skillet of paella to serve the table.

I finish setting up the dinner table and I see Ms.Leman enter the dinning room. I look down and walk off to the kitchen before the other family members come down to eat. Ms. Leman is right I'm getting too attached to the family and I need to remember my place.

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