Chapter 4

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As I stepped into the Aslan Mansion, I was taken aback by the stunning transformation before me. The garden was turned into a breathtaking garden oasis, they had real orchids, peonies, roses, and other beautiful flowers that I don't know their names. There were also candles around, casting a soft warm glow. Everyone was dressed in fancy extravagant designer gowns. I was definitely underdressed. It was like a Chanel, Dior, Versace, and any high-end designer combined in one fashion show.

I strolled through the crowd, scanning the room for Zeynep. Finally, my eyes landed on the birthday girl, surrounded by her mother and husband. Zeynep looked stunning in a pink feathered princess gown that took my breath away. "Hello," I greeted the Aslan with a wave before being enveloped in a warm hug from Zeynep and then Demir. Ms. Leman did not look happy to see me, her gaze swept over me slowly taking in my attire. She looked elegant in a navy beaded long-sleeve gown "you look beautiful Ms. Leman."

"Nazli," she pursed her lips, "what are you doing here?" Her voice was hushed, she clearly didn't want to cause a scene. She looked really uncomfortable like she wanted to make me disappear.

"Mother, I invited Nazli. She is my friend and this is my party," Zeynep interjects smiling, her tone had an underlying firmness. Ms. Leman leaves to join her friends.

"Zeynep," I say timidly but I was met with a warning glance. "You look beautiful, Nazli," she complimented me. "So you better not think about leaving." Dam she read my thoughts.

"Thank you and you look absolutely breathtaking," I replied. 

"It's Gucci," she added with a graceful hand gesture. I have no clue who that is but I'll ask Fatos later.

"You too Demir" I say turning to him. He replies with a 'thank you.'

"I have a gift for you," I say as I present Zeynep with a small box. She opens it to find a light pink and green silk printed Tory Burch scarf.

"Thank you so much, Nazli!" Zeynep happily says. She gives me a hug to show her gratitude. "Look how beautiful Demir" she shows the scarf to her husband. "Nazli please make yourself comfortable and enjoy some appetizers and wine."  I nod and help myself to a bite of passing hors d'oeuvre. The cheese croquette is delicious. Okay chef! I taste the chives.

I walk around a bit in search for more small bites.

"Hi, Nazli," I turn to see Ferit.

"Hello, Mr. Ferit. Zeynep invited me," I quickly reply.

"She invited me too." He jokes and it makes me laugh. What was that?

"Ferit!"A beautiful woman calls him to her and he walks off. She was so leggy, long red hair, very modelesque. I can't explain it but I feel small next to her. Why is every woman so pretty here?  I see Ferit having a close conversation with her. I turned around to not look at them, this image makes my stomach drop. 

After enjoying two glasses of champagne and sampling three different types of appetizers, I feel a bit of courage to begin walking further around. I'm admiring the guests fashions as if I were in an art gallery watching masterpieces come to life. As I pass by the bar, I overhear three women gossiping, "I heard she's a maid" one of them remarks. "Why is she even here? I know the family is all about charity, but this seems extra" woman number 2 chimes in. "Have you seen her outfit? It looks like something from Forever 21, so cheap" the third woman adds in, and they all share a laugh. The third woman continues "you want to know the worst of all, she gifted Zeynep a tacky Tory Burch scarf. Doesn't she know thats not at our level." The three ladies laugh at that comment and I see one of them point at me. Feeling embarrassed, I retreat to my safe haven the kitchen, where I make myself a cup of tea. As I sip my tea, I mumble to myself, "after this tea, I'll say goodbye to Zeynep and head home." Those comments hurt and I really want to run away before I get emotional. I leaned on the kitchen island as I sip my tea.

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