Chapter 8

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In the span of three months, my life has changed. I went from working as a junior chef at Arby's to becoming a private chef for the wealthiest family in Turkey. With this job I'm able to save money towards my own restaurant. Ferit is right, I should aim higher. After talking to Fatos and listening to Ferit advice, I should apply for the Aslan grant. Hopefully they can help with a small percentage towards the restaurant's down payment. Winning the grant would be amazing but I am determined to save at least 40% to my restaurant. I would hate for Ms. Leman to think that I was taking advantage of her family.

My relationship with Ferit Aslan has blossomed into something truly special. With me he is another person, he is flirtatious, tender, affectionate which is different to his strict assertive demeanor in the business world. "Hi Nazli" Ferit whispers as he embraces me from behind. A smile naturally spreads across my face as he proceeds to plant gentle kisses on my cheek and then my neck.

"Ferit!" I whispered urgently, turning around to give him a quick peck on the lips. "Please behave, Ms. Leman will kill me!" I cautioned with a playful tone as I look around. Hopefully no-one sees us.

He responds with an eye roll. "I don't care what my mother thinks"

I shook my head in annoyance, "It's important because she's your mother. Now behave and go away, we had a deal that when I'm working you will not approach me."

"I don't want to keep our relationship a secret. I don't want to hide you." He caresses my cheek.

"Please. Understand," I plea and pull apart. The mere thought of Ms. Leman discovering our relationship sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't shake the paranoia that she might walk in on us at any moment. And because he doesn't like to make my life easier, Ferit deliberately takes my tea, locking eyes with me intently. Without averting his gaze, he rotates the glass so that his lips meet the precise spot where mine had just been. The way he moves makes my breath hitch.

"Fine I will leave you alone. I'll see you tonight." he murmurs before pressing a tender kiss to my forehead and departing. It's convenient for you to walk away after igniting a fire within me, my blush now extends from my face to my neck.

"You better go" I'd replied, trying to inject menace into my tone but no doubt failing miserably.

As I carefully lifted the warm Focaccia bread from the oven, I'm overwhelmed by the enticing aromas that surrounded me. I smile imagining the family asking for seconds when they eat this with my homemade tomato soup. "Nazli" Ms. Leman's sharp call sends a jolt of panic through me. Since I started dating Ferit, I'm constantly on edge whenever I find myself in her presence. "Nazli, we will be having a two guests tonight so please add extra tableware." She says shortly.

"Will do"

As Ms. Leman departed, one of the maids who has become a good friend, Derya, whispers "Psst, Nazli." she beckons with a secret murmur "you won't believe who's coming."

I don't like to gossip but Derya's expression piqued my curiosity "Who?"

"Hakan and his wife Demet," she revealed, her words tinged with a hint of scandal. "They have an dysfunctional relationship, an open relationship." Her eyes widened as she talks and I simply shrug, struggling to understand why this is important. "Nazli, the wealthy are like a different breed. Hakan is Ferit's cousin, and he is always try to take whatever Ferit has. Its like a never-ending competition with those two." She gets closer to me to whisper in my ear "I heard Pelin slept with Hakan and thats why Ferit hates him. Pelin was the love of his life!"

She certainly captured my full attention now, yet I maintained a nonchalant facade. "Um, wow," I managed, avoiding her eyes, focusing on stirring the tomato soup. Listening to Derya talk about Pelin and Ferit hurt me to my core. I can't hear anymore. Clearing my throat, I cut her off, "Um... I think it's time to set the table." I start pouring the soup into individual bowls and place a cover-top to arrange them on the dining table. As I awaited the arrival of the household members, I took a moment to compose myself.

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