Chapter 11

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It had been three long weeks since I was fired and I had to search for a new job, and finally, I landed a position at the Falafel House. I couldn't help but think of Ms. Leman and the smug look I'd know she'd give me if she knew I worked there. Take that, Ms. Leman! This is better than flipping burgers. Thinking of the positives the job is super convenient, just 5 blocks away from my apartment.

I scoured the newspapers and the internet for job listings and I couldn't help but feel disheartened by the constant stream of negative responses. They all seemed to follow a pattern: "We are fully staffed," "You need more experience," or the most frustrating of all, the head shake and silent dismissal upon seeing my resume. I couldn't help but wonder if Ms. Leman had used her connections to tarnish my reputation, making it nearly impossible for me to find a job in the restaurant industry.

The most painful aspect of this entire situation were the lies I'd been telling Ferit. I'd been telling him that I was working at an old client's home, when in reality, I was struggling to find a job. It also super hard to hide the truth from Ferit because he is so perceptive and smart.

"Knock, knock," The doorbell chimed. As I opened the door, I found Mr. Hakan standing there with a full beaming smile.

"Mr. Hakan, hello!" Surprise etching my features.

"Hello, my dear," he replied creepily. "May I come in?"

I know he saw my confusion and hesitation to let him in. "I won't take long," he assured.

With a slight gesture, I invited him in. "I heard you need a job," he continued, his voice filled with an undertone of intensity. "I overheard my aunt and I'm here to offer you a job."

"A job?" I repeated, my eyes widening in disbelief.

"Come work for me," he urged, his voice growing more insistent. "I need a chef, and you have great skill. It comes with a great paycheck." He made a money gesture with his hand.

I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine as I replied, "Mr. Hakan, I don't think this is a good idea."

His eyes narrowed, and his tone grew colder. "How about 1,000 lira per workday." I was about to speak when he cut me off. "I didn't know Ferit controlled you. All I'm asking is for you to cook, nothing more."

The tension in the room was palpable, and I felt my heart race as I stammered, "Can I think about it?"

His gaze uncomfortably lingered on me for a moment. "You got a week." I closed the door shut behind him and leaned against it with my hand on my pounding heart. I knew I had to make a decision, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right about this situation. One-thousand liras is a lot of money. It would speed up my goals to own a restaurant.


After Hakan's visit, I went on a power walk. I needed to release this frustration. The prospect of earning a thousand liras per workday sounded great, that money will set me up for a brighter future. This income could help me save for the down payment on my dream restaurant. But this could also be the ultimate betrayal to Ferit and I could never do that to the person I love the most. I wandered through the streets until I stumbled upon an empty commercial space where a restaurant once lived. On impulse, I dialed the number on the listing posted outside. The lease is for 120,000 liras a month for a medium sized location. I have 15,000 liras saved but I know I need to secure a bank loan to cover the rest and the renovation cost. Determined, I decided to pursue this opportunity, I called the listing agent to express my interest and headed to the bank to initiate the process.

After exiting the bank and finalizing the paperwork, I made the conscious choice to keep this to myself. The fear of disappointment weighed heavily on my mind – what if nothing happens and I get my hopes up. Not only mines but Ferit and Fatos too. Keeping this in is the best plan right now...

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