Part 33 : Lover or Family?

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Taehyung's POV

"So why were you crying?"
She asked as she let her body fall on the bean bag after giving me a glass of  water that I asked.

I was sitting on a couch in the hall.

I remained silent.
"Just a few minutes ago you called me your friend."
I rubbed my face and gulped the water down my throat.

"Sare kissed Jungkook."

I sighed.

"Jungkook, you mean the guy who live above my floor."
The least I care about is where he lives.

My mind was wondering why Sarah is not calling me. She needs to give me an explanation. Yeah I will not listen for the first and probably the second and third time also. But she should make an effort.

She just can't let this end, what we have. She just can't.

"You call her."
I looked at Jennie shocked.

"I'm not going to."


"She cheated on me. She should call me."

"Sometimes letting go of ego, saves the relationship."

"She can do that herself. Isn't she polishing her ego by not calling me?"

"I don't know about her. But I know very well how much you are dying to talk to her, but that ego is coming in between."
I open my mouth to speak but shut it again.

"As much as I know Sarah, she doesn't look like she can cheat and if what you saw is true, she might have some explanation. And you need to trust her... Don't forget you have kissed me in her point of view. She might be crying her eyes out."
I looked down as tears brimmed in my eyes.

"What if she... What i-"

"We don't know anything. Let's not shape our mind by any what if's. Call her. I bet she will pick it up. And when she does, talk to her peacefully and calmly. Ok! Be gentle. I'm here."
I sighed and pulled out my phone.

I clicked on her name and placed it in my ears. The call directly went into a voicemail.

"Try again."
I heard her.

I again called her, and again it went to voicemail.

My heart clenched. What was hurting me more is, that she is not even trying to fight for our bond, for our relationship... If it has to end like this, she is letting it go with flow.

Jennie's face is also saddened. She just bet that she would pick up the call. But look at her, she is not picking up my call.

"I'll- I'll try again."
My fingers shivered when I again clicked on her name. I waited patiently, my heartbeat racing.

I just couldn't accept, that she was not trying for us. She kissed Jungkook and she is not even picking my call.

The call again went to voicemail.

"It's ok Taehyung, Leave."
I did not. I again placed another call.

Tears now come out of my eyes as I struggle to breathe. I don't care if I crush my self respect to the ground by calling her, by begging her to talk to me, to tell me that I saw something wrong, to tell me that I was mistaken and it was a misunderstanding. To tell me that she loves me damn so much.

The call again went to voicemail and by now I was completely broken. Till now I was angry at Jungkook, at Sarah... But now I am sad.

My ears went numb, if I hear a pin falling on the ground, it would penetrate my ear drums.

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