It's a really nice photo,

Jimin bit his bottom lip and quickly grabs his phone to capture a photo of the graduation picture.

But then his attention is drawn to the last photo frame, holding an old group photo. The difference in hue immediately catches his eye, indicating that it was taken a long time ago. In the photo, Jungkook appears to be around ten years old, wearing his high school uniform. Standing beside him is a woman who is slightly shorter than him, but they both have radiant smiles on their faces.

Jimin's eyes widen in realization as he understands the identity of the woman in the photo. She's Jungkook's mother. Feeling a mix of surprise and warmth, Jimin kneels down and gathers his thoughts before speaking.

"Um, Hello, Auntie.  I'm Jimin, I'm Jungkook's friend's brother," he says slowly, trying to convey his connection to Jungkook.

After a few seconds, Jimin continues to look at the photo, "Jungkook hyung didn't come home yesterday because he's sick. He had a serious stomach ache, but it's nothing serious. Now I'm here to bring some things for him. Please don't worry."

Jimin quickly stands up and grabs his phone to search for a list of things that might be needed for hospitalization. His eyes scan the search results, and one item catches his attention: "well-fitting clothes."

With a determined expression, he turns his gaze towards Jungkook's wardrobe. Opening it up, he sees two boxes of underwear, Without hesitation, he tosses them into the bag he brought along.

As he stands there, contemplating whether he should grab more clothes, his eyes land on a familiar-looking tie. It triggers a memory of the last time he visited Busan and gave it to Jungkook as a birthday present.

But then, in a sudden change of heart, Jimin closes the wardrobe. He decides to let go of the tie, realizing that being there for Jungkook in his time of need is more important than holding onto material possessions.

Later, Jimin leaves Jungkook's apartment and patiently waits for the elevator. He takes a quick glance at his phone to check the time before tucking it back into his pocket. Just as he does, the elevator arrives.

As Jimin steps inside, he notices a woman already in the elevator. Her delicate and pretty face catches his attention, and he can't help but notice her stylish branded clothes and the thick scent of her perfume. It seems like she's trying to make a phone call, but there's no answer, and her expression turns sour.

The woman glances at Jimin and decides to exit the elevator, leaving him alone inside. Jimin, unfazed by the encounter, simply ignores her hopping in the elevator.

Just as the doors are about to close, Jimin catches a glimpse of the woman heading in the direction of Jungkook's apartment. However, he also considers the possibility that she might be going to another unit nearby. Not dwelling on it too much, Jimin lowers his head and lets the thought pass.

In this moment, Jimin chooses not to jump to conclusions or overthink the situation, focusing instead on his task of bringing things for Jungkook.


After a whole day, Jungkook is finally discharged from the hospital in the afternoon. Jimin rushes over to hospital with Jungkook's belongings, help him with everything.

As they leave the hospital, Jimin offers his arm for support, making sure Jungkook feels steady on his feet. They take slow, careful steps, understanding that Jungkook may still need some time to fully regain his strength.

Once they arrive at Jungkook's place, Jimin takes charge of tidying up all the things. He starts by organizing Jungkook's belongings, putting things back in their proper places. Then, jungkook gathers up all his hospital clothes and heads to the laundry room to wash them. Afterward, he puts everything back in its place.

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz