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The convenience store is bustling with activity, filled with various goods and even a machine for grilling sausages, breads, and noodles. Jimin finds a seat at the innermost table, while Jungkook sits opposite him, ready to tackle their homework. The atmosphere is calm and peaceful, with the cashier engrossed in his phone.

Jungkook rests his chin on his arm and casually asks, "Jimin, have you had breakfast?" Jimin, focused on his task, simply nods in response.

Noticing Jimin's lack of interest, Jungkook suggests, "Do you want me to grab something for breakfast?" Jimin shakes his head, indicating that he's not hungry.

With a determined smile, Jungkook offers, "Well then, I'll go and buy breakfast for myself." Jimin nods, silently giving his approval.

As Jungkook returns to the table with his sandwich, Jimin continues to write his homework, trying not to pay too much attention to him. The scorching hot day outside seems to have taken a toll on Jungkook, with dark circles under his eyes from staying up late. But despite his tired appearance, he still exudes energy and enthusiasm.

Jungkook takes a sip of water from his bottle and opens his textbook. With impeccable manners, he unwraps his sandwich and takes a bite. It's impressive how he manages to eat so gracefully, without making a sound. He savors each bite, eating slowly and enjoying the meal.

However, it doesn't take long for the sandwich to disappear, leaving Jimin lost in his own thoughts, moving his pen absentmindedly. He remembers Taehyung mentioning that exams were over and they had moved into the dorm.

It's finally the holiday period they've been looking forward to.

Jungkook notices that Jimin is lost in thought and playfully taps on the table, saying, "Hey, Jimin, focus on your homework!"

Jimin snaps back to reality and nods, getting back to his work.

The table they're sitting at is small and round, so their books end up overlapping each other. Jungkook notices this and closes his book, giving Jimin more space to spread out his things.

After a while, Jungkook notices the unopened bottle of milk on the table and asks, "Aren't you going to drink that milk?"

Jimin looks at the milk and then at Jungkook before putting the bottle inside his bag.

Seeing Jimin's action, Jungkook playfully smiles and says, "Why are you acting like I'm going to steal your milk?"

Jimin remains silent, but Jungkook continues jokingly, "If you don't want it, then let me have it?"

Jimin turns his head away and quickly zips up his bag, clearly not willing to share the milk.

Jungkook flops down on the seat, looking all giddy with that mischievous grin on his face. He says, "Come on, Jimin, I'm just messing with you! Don't go all silent on me again!"

Jimin stays quiet, trying his best to control his emotions.

Jungkook, not one to be deterred, playfully says, "You seriously lack kindness."

Jimin, feeling a bit awkward, awkwardly responds, "I'm just trying to focus on my homework, alright?"

Jungkook takes a glance at Jimin's book, seeing that he's already written half of it. He says lazily, "Alright then, keep at it."

Jimin, sensing that he's almost done, tries to sound casual. He asks, "Hyung, are you on vacation or something?"

Jungkook replies with a hint of laziness, "Nah, not really."

Jimin continues, "Oh, is your family nearby?"

Jungkook dismissively responds, "Nope, not even close."

Jimin takes a moment to think and takes a guess, "So, are you going back home for the summer holidays?"

Jungkook retorts, "Nope, why are you so curious about my plans? Just focus on finishing your homework and get ready for school."

Jimin simply responds with a hesitant, "Ok..."

Jimin finishes his homework at 7:15 a.m. He cleans up his stuff, puts on his backpack, and follows Jungkook out of the convenience store.

Since it's still early, Jungkook suggests they walk to school together. But Jimin doesn't seem in a hurry. He says bye to Jungkook and starts heading towards the school building.

Just as Jimin is about to go inside, Jungkook calls out to him like he remembered something. He takes out a folded paper from his pocket and gives it to Jimin. "Oh right, Jimin, I forgot to tell you," Jungkook says.

Jimin takes the paper, a little curious. "Hm?"

Jungkook sounds a bit sorry as he explains, "I looked at your homework. So, I wrote something to make up for it."


With twenty minutes left before class starts, the classroom is still kinda empty. Most of Jimin's classmates will come a bit later. Jimin goes to his desk and takes everything out of his backpack until it's empty. Then he reaches into his pocket and takes out the paper.

He unfolds it carefully, straightening it out, and starts reading.

Indeed, it's a diary entry. It seems like jungkook is imitating his own handwriting.

Small, nimble, beautiful.

The title is "Helping Hyung Move into the Dorm."

The content is very serious. He wrote it in great detail and with a good flow.

Seeing those words again, Jimin couldn't help but smile. He carefully folded the paper and put it in his bag. Just then, his classmate min Yoongi walked into the classroom and noticed Jimin's happy expression.

Yoongi asked, "Hey, why are you so happy today?"

Jimin, a bit startled, tried to control his smile and replied, "Oh, nothing. I was just remembering a joke."

Yoongi, curious, noticed a bottle of milk on Jimin's table and asked, "Aren't you allergic to milk? Why did you buy this?"

Jimin paused for a moment, then put the bottle of milk away and said, "I took it by accident."

On his way home, Jimin carefully placed the bottle of milk inside the fridge, hoping his mom wouldn't notice it. He was afraid she would find out about his little secret. But as he stood in front of the fridge, he hesitated. What if his mom accidentally stumbled upon it?

After a moment of contemplation, Jimin decided to hide the bottle of milk inside his own secret box. He thought that whenever he was thinking about Jungkook, he would take it out and cherish the memories. Day by day passed, and Jimin's secret box remained his hidden shelter.

After half a month, the first day of summer vacation arrived. Jimin excitedly took out the bottle of milk from his secret box, unaware that his mom was watching. She thought he wanted to drink it and warned him not to. Worried that Jimin might still try to drink it, she attempted to take it away.

But Jimin didn't want to give it up so easily. Instead, he decided to throw away the leftover milk and wash the bottle meticulously. He even dried it carefully. From that day on, he started putting folded stars inside the bottle, along with the homework that Jungkook did for him.

As time went by, to three years. the little of hope within Jimin grew into a tall, strong. He began to hope for progress, for things to change for the better. Every day, he wished for the days to pass quickly, eager to grow up and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Even though his school and the university were so close that it only took him around five minutes to get there, Jimin couldn't muster the courage to pretend to look for Taehyung and meet that person. He always felt that something was wrong, and he worried that he wouldn't be able to keep his secret hidden.

A/n: hey lovelies , So, in the next chapter, we'll be jumping ahead three years, and the story will continue with Jimin as 16 years old. Stay tuned for the next chapter! 🌟📚

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora