chapter 24 |lost|

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|Sonic's POV|

Pain shot through my body as I forced myself to my feet, ignoring the protests of my tired body and aching bones. I knew I had to keep moving if I wanted to escape scourge's clutches and Jack's, and find my way back home.

With each step, the forest seemed to close in around me, the dense foliage blocking out the sunlight and casting long shadows on the forest floor. But I pushed forward, driven by a fierce determination to survive.

Hours passed as I wandered through the forest, the minutes stretching into eternity as I searched for any sign of civilization. But the trees seemed to stretch on endlessly, the path ahead shrouded in darkness and uncertainty.

Just as despair threatened to overwhelm me, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon. Through the dense foliage, I caught a glimpse of familiar buildings in the distance – the same village that Jack had shown me earlier.

Heart pounding with renewed determination, I quickened my pace, each step bringing me closer to safety. I entered the village and went up to one of the villagers, "excuse me sir do you speak English?" I asked desperately praying that he could understand me. "förlåt ung man men jag kan inte förstå dig" he replied, i went up to almost all of the villagers,

But, The villagers spoke in a language I couldn't understand, their words swirling around me in a confusing jumble of sounds and syllables. I tried to ask for help once more, to explain my situation, but they only stared at me blankly, unable to comprehend my frantic gestures and broken words.

With no hope of communication, I felt a sense of despair creeping in. How could I find my way home if I couldn't even ask for directions? I was alone and lost in a foreign land, with no money and no way of knowing where to go next.

But then, an idea struck me. If I couldn't ask for help, maybe I could find the answers I needed on my own. With renewed determination, I set off through the village, searching for any sign of a map or directions that could lead me back to safety.

After what felt like an eternity of searching, I stumbled upon a small grocery store tucked away in a corner of the village. With a sense of relief, I pushed open the door and stepped inside, the smell of fresh produce and baked goods wafting through the air.

As I browsed the aisles, I spotted a map next to the school supplies, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of it. Without hesitation, I grabbed the a map and a few supplies of food, stuffing them into my jacket and pocket with trembling hands.

But as I turned to leave, a pang of guilt stabbed at my heart. I had no money to pay for the items I had taken, and stealing felt like a betrayal of everything I stood for.

For a moment, I hesitated, torn between my desperation to escape and my moral compass. But then, I remembered the danger I was in, the threat that lurked just beyond the trees. I couldn't afford to be noble when my life was on the line. "Im sorry, i'll come back one day to repay this shop" i said to myself

With a heavy heart, I slipped out of the store and back into the forest, the weight of my actions weighing heavily on my conscience. But as I found a secluded spot behind a massive tree, I reminded myself that survival was my top priority.

As I spread out the stolen map before me, I realized with a sinking feeling that I had no idea where I was or how to navigate the unfamiliar terrain. Panic threatened to consume me once again, "great, just great"

I said in panic and frustration, but, I forced myself to stay calm, to think rationally.

With trembling fingers, I traced the lines on the map, searching for any clue that could point me in the right direction. But as I stared at the unfamiliar landmarks and place names, I felt a sense of hopelessness wash over me.

"How could I find my way home when I didn't even know where I was?" The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, crushing my spirits and leaving me feeling more lost and alone than ever before.

But even in the midst of despair, a flicker of determination burned within me. I refused to give up, to let Jack or anyone else rob me of my freedom. With a renewed sense of purpose, I stood up and followed the maps lead, "i just hope my markings are right..."


Can you guess where he is and what language the villagers spoke?

"Hint: the country he is in, is in northern Europe"

comment your guesses no cheating because later on the story it'll be revealed


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