"You question my every move at the moment don't you?"

"I just thought..we could enjoy some time on our own.."

"Well you thought wrong.." I sigh.. "You know I wish things were different between us.. I really do but I can't get the thought of you two in that hotel room.. when I was on my own.. if you had any idea.."

"But I do.." he cuts me off, as he rushes over to me.. pulling me back into the room, his hands tightly holding mine.. "I do know how much it hurt you, I just need you to forgive me.."

"How can I when you haven't even told me why you done it?!"

"I didn't know you cared for me that way!!" His voice raising a little.. "I thought it was just sex.. I didn't know you would want me to.."

"Oh wow.. I mean.. you booked us the same hotel room, you made me your assistant so we could be together away from my parents, and you thought it was just sex?! Really?!"

"You have no idea how much I regret it.. if I could turn back time.. if I could go back to the moment you left the party.. I'd have came chasing after you.. I really would.."

"How do I know that? How do I know that the next time you see her, at the next conference meeting you won't take her back to the hotel room and bang the shit out of her?!"

"Because I love you!!" He shouts in frustration.. catching me a little off guard.. "I love you! And I just realised it a little late is all.. I'm sorry, so sorry for the way I treated you.. and I want to make it right.. tell me how I can make it right..please?"

"Robert.. that still doesn't fill me with confidence that you wouldn't just fuck someone else as soon as they look at you or someone you know already.. just because you've fucked them before.."

"I promise to you.. on my heart that I won't ever do that to you again.."

"Mmm.. I wish I could believe you.. I really do.."

"I miss you so much.. I miss the way you feel, I miss the way you used to kiss me, if I have to go and shout my love for you from the rooftops.. I will.."

"Don't be so silly.. you can't.." I laugh shaking my head but he just lifts his hand to my face to hold it  steady, his eyes scanning my face.. "Don't.."

"I love you.." he softly strokes my cheek with his thumb before he is connecting our lips for a quick kiss.. "So.. so much.." 

"I can't.." I try but he kisses me again, pushing me back towards the wall.. "Robert.. please.." I whisper against his mouth his hands fall down to my waist, holding me in position..

"I don't need you.." he admits, and I glance at him with a frown.. how can he say that!? But he's soon explaining a little further.. "I want you, I want you to be mine..I want us to be together.. I want you more than anything.."


"Yes! All I need.. is you to forgive me for being such an asshole and only thinking of myself.. I promise to you that I will never hurt you again.."

"I don't know if I can.."

"Just tell me what to do.. please.."

"You're sexy when you beg.. you know that?" I joke.. but he's not playing along.. he lets go of my waist and takes a step back.. running a hand through his hair, before rubbing his jaw.. "What's wrong?"

"You.." he sighs.. "You fucking drive me crazy.."

"Is that a good thing?" I tease.. pushing myself off the wall, taking a step closer to him.. my fingers playing with the buttons on his shirt, trying to get them loose to show a little bit of chest.. "I thought you liked crazy?"

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