4. meeting friend

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Reluctantly, I went back home after hanging out on the terrace for a while. When I went back inside, I saw her sleeping on the couch like a peaceful baby, even though her clothes and jewelry were all over the place. It made me feel a mix of emotions. I used to think she was nice, but now I realized she was just as sneaky as everyone else. It hurt to see that. I had hoped to make things work between us, but her tricky behavior ruined that.

At first, I didn't believe what her dad said, but then I started to see his point about why his first daughter would leave a rich family? When I brought up her money-focused ways, he dodged my questions with smooth excuses. It felt like I was losing the argument every time.

I got fed up and wondered how much longer I could defend Shravani. My patience ran out, especially with her dad. It was obvious he wasn't on my side, and I couldn't protect Shravani like I wanted to.

In the end, I gave up. The truth hit me hard, and I had to accept that I'd been fooled.

Since I yelled at her, my heart has been heavy, and her tears felt like daggers stabbing into me. When she woke up, she quietly gathered her clothes and prepared for the day, completely ignoring the money lying on the bed. I left it there purposely, hoping to see if she'd take it, but she didn't even spare it a glance. She just carried on as if nothing had happened, her beauty shining through despite everything.

I felt torn apart, torn between the pain of a fleeting crush turned wife and the frustration of having a bad partner. What am I even thinking? I couldn't bring myself to eat breakfast today because I couldn't bear the thought of facing her. I should hate her for what she's done, but instead, I find myself strangely drawn to her innocence.

No matter who she is, she's my wife, and I have to shoulder that responsibility. But where I once dreamed of cherishing and loving her, I now find myself shattered and lost. Should I wallow in self-pity? Perhaps I should. “Shut up!” I yelled at my thoughts, trying to drown out the turmoil within.

I stopped at a café to grab some coffee, with my secretary trailing behind me. But as soon as we stepped inside, we heard a man shouting at a girl. When we entered, I was shocked to see that the girl was Shravani. What was she doing here? And who was this man? I listened to him yelling at her about getting married. I couldn't hold back. How dare he tell my wife not to marry me?

“AND WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO SAY THIS?” I thundered at the man, my voice cutting through the tense atmosphere. With determination fueling my steps, I strode towards them.
In a commanding tone, I instructed my PA to swiftly clear out the café, wanting to deal with this situation without any unnecessary onlookers.

In a commanding tone, I instructed my PA to swiftly clear out the café, wanting to deal with this situation without any unnecessary onlookers

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