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Denney , grabbed onto Paige's hand and looked around the room.

"Sorry ,everyone, I don't come a dog family , never was a dog person , i never truly was a dog person . so forgive , um I guess I can just go over what I experienced in my evening of walking down the road and what not maybe once I speak it out maybe something will come up , I did read something about that like in a article or something .   " Denney reached to the chair and swung back around to sit in front of the three in hopes they will agree to listen . 

Magen turned to Rudy 

" Well princess here believes this grease ball reads , probably seen it in damn tv episode , what else we got, lets hear him out ." .

 Rudy went inside the office slammed the door shut behind him and pulled out some more chairs . Three chairs sat in front of the baffled  Denney .

Denney nervously smiled at all the three wide eyed faces cleared his voice and began to explain his story  .

"Well , I'm from Pine Bluff , well I'm actually from Florida , but when my momma left my dad-"

Magen shouted out ,

 " Just start off from last night before you got in your dam shitter of a car , till it flattened on your ass ."

"Well shit , ok um , I left a bar , well I kind of  got booted out , I didn't know that woman was the owner of the bar and any who ., I got in my car and continued my way to Colorado , grand junction . A family member  of mine owns some property out there , so I make my way up long the way  , trying to start a new life or whatever , along the way , um I'm just listening to the radio and contemplating life , had a crying session, and shit just kept driving .  Driving and driving honestly I don't know how long especially when the night falls there is no such thing as time .

Then I remember ..... " Denney took  a long pause. Then broke his silence 

"My radio went off like , I  didn't turn it off .   Butt static and then silence ... " Silence fell after those words . Denney's face turned pale . perspirations took over Denney's body .

"WHAT!! WHAT IS IT !?" Magen shouted into Denney's face . Paige pulling back the wild unhinged Magen back to a numb Rudy , so called security officer . they all gathered into their seat . 

Paige insisted everyone to stay calm and hear him out " This is all so over whelming to us all but everyone give this man a break !"

Denney grasping his chest , catching hos breath 

" Well after that , I  turned my eyes to adjust the radio  knob, and augh , " Denney in a trembling  voice , and a chuckle after in disbelief 

" Honestly when the radio station was becoming staticky I could of sworn  hearing someone saying . " Denney now quoting what he thought he heard in between the static radio shuffling 

"Time is now expired , I repeat time is now expired ."

The Denney rose up from the chair , " That's when I jerked my car after raising my head up from the radio  , I guess I hit  something? In result of my tire flattening  . I ended up on the side of the road , pissed cause this car been giving me issues , I knew I had to call my buddy from back in pine to come get me but this piece of shit phone didn't get me any service and I just started walking , the bam I found this sad mother fucker walking to his post and I'm here now . 

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