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The residents of Tyke community all sadly and hopelessly dragged them selves back into their dog less homes . Hours passed and there was no sign of foul play , no foot prints , not even one single clue . 

But to there surprise , on the outskirt near the community entrance a young gentleman approached the gates of entry , the security officer was barely making his way back his post after searching for his German shepherd that was usually with him everyone morning to inspect and  great any one entering the community . 

"HEY,! HI , UM NOT SURE IF YOU CAN HELP ME OUT , MY CAR GOT A FLAT ABOUT 5 MILES UP THE ROAD , I HAVE NO BARS  OUT HERE IS THERE ANY WAY YOU CAN HELP ME SIR ?" The stranger shouted to the security officer  from behind the thick brass gates . 

The security officer Rudy rushed to the entry gates .

in a desperate voice he yelped out 

 " On your way up the road , did you happen to see any dogs ? " 

The drifter looked around him in a confusion , not sure if he heard him correctly .

"Um no.. , I would assume all the dogs would be here , uh , I noticed the sign up the road talkin , bout some dog lover community or something , uh i don't know , is that not this place ? you see im not from around here i was just making my way , and i got a flat , been walking down this road aint seen nothing. "

Rudy approached the locked fence . 

" Well yesterday when we all rested our heads on our pillows we had our babies, our dogs , pups , , and we wake up to have them vanish , now you're telling me you been on the road and you ain't seen nothing but a dam sign ?"

Rudy's voice began to shake , frustrated and angry he approached the gate even closer to the drifter .

"Hey man , relax , my name is Denney , I promise I ain't see no dogs , but maybe I can help , if you can help me out with a phone , I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this , I may not be from here, hell not much of a dog person either  , but I have been known to solve a lot of problems in my life. "

Rudy started to rub his eyes  and pulled out his set of keys  and unlocked the gates .

" come into my office right here , we can talk more . " Rudy in a solemn manner scuffed to his office along with Denney .

Have you seen my dog ?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن