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Denney standing there in shock gave out a nervous chuckle . 

"Sorry Ma'am , but I think you need some other type of help , I don't think I can do much here . 

"Rudy I know I told you I can help you out but I don't-"

"My Name  is Magen , Head of the HOA and Rudy here told me you happen to be out on the road , just hours  after our dogs vanished . NOW  ,"  6ftoot Magen leaned over Denney who stood only 5'7 in  stern drill srgt manner 

"Now I order you to tell me who sent you here! And what is you want from us , we want our babies back , we want our family back , what the FUCK IS IT , LIL DENNEY ! " 

Denney , couldn't help but burst a huge laughter grabbing on to his stomach , looking around as if this was a prank of some sort . 

" Are you all out of your absolute fuckin minds? my fuckin car busted on me , a fuckin flat , this the first dam forsaken place I seen , walking in the fuckin cold , thankful I dressed warm , no firkin heater  in my beater , and I am getting yelled at by this water buffalo  , Rudy my guy what the fuck ?" 

After Denney's food for thought 

A young girl approached the office building , with a low voice , " excuse me ."

Denney was struck by her beauty and calm demeaner. 

"My name is Paige , I'm new here my self, honestly over 4 weeks now , um one thing I know is many of us here have a deep rooted connection with our dogs , and it must mean something , that you are here , I mean out of the blue you just happened to have a flat ended up here the same time every single dog just vanished with no trace. " interrupting the hostile environment lil Paige , red hair green eyes light freckles , dress in lavender lace night gown over white thermos   and black boots . Denney in a cracked voice 

" Well Paige, nice to meet you , I am Denney , just drifting threw  I'm truly sorry about this phenomena , I just don't know know how I can be of help , I mean it was just a coincident . What can I possibly do ? " Denney in plea hands together looking at everyone sobbed featured face " Can I just go now ?"

Paige , walked over to Denney placed her soft little hand on Denney's shoulder  ,

 " You didn't see anything out there ? or hear anything , how did your tire go flat ? there is probably up to 2'000 plus  dogs that just disappeared, Rudy barely even slept last night  ,as he is mostly alert at night .He and I switch places  during the day  , he was writing his kid a letter , and closed his eyes , just for a moment, then the sun and the screams of everyone  started shouting their babies name , even me , my baby Gem is gone ,   and she sleeps with me , every night waking me up every morning , just a few feet from here in our studios . next to us Magen . We stay close to the entry to ensure protection and safety to everyone in this community . I was a cop in Georgia, my Gem was my partner . Magen ran a senior center and her wealthiest  client passed , leaving his inheritance which is now her house along with a poodle schnapps.  

we need your help , Denney . " 

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