“Honey, I’m home,” I hear him shout as he enters the house.

“Finally, you’re home. I was about to file a missing person’s report,” I fold my arms.

When he appears in my line of sight, the smile that steals across his face makes my tummy flutter.

It’s okay, Aileen. He’s just a man who also happens to be your fake fiancé. It is no big deal. We've been over this.

“Hey. Sorry, I'm late. And before you try to deny it, I know you were worried about me, and for that I'm touched.”

I narrow my eyes.

“Of course I was worried about you, Armani” I scold.

“You like me” he winks and walks into the kitchen to wash his hands.

I frown.

“No... no I do not” I deny, walking after him.

“Yet you were worried about me?” he smirks and then sniffs the air, “Do I smell pot roast?”


His smile grows even wider.

“And again, I do not like you,” I say in an attempt to pop his inflating head. “I do not, okay? I was only worried about you because if something did happen to you, I wouldn't get the chance to ask you about the package you had sent to the bakery” I frown.

He pauses on the whiskey he's drinking.

“The thoughtful gift you mean” he sets his glass down.

I fold my arms.

“That wasn't a gift, Armani. Neither was it close to being thoughtful.”

“Yes, it was. Did you not read my note?” the corner of his lips twitch. “I wrote it myself.”

Yes, the note.

I exhale.

“Why would you send me that, Armani?”

“I thought it was fitting,” he replies with a grin.

My forehead creases with a frown.

“And before you give me a lecture, you agreed it's okay for me to pick you outfits I deem fitting.”

“Outfits, Armani. Not... that” I fold my arms.

He tips his glass at me.

“You'll thank me later.”

God, this man.

“Now c'mon. Let's get this dinner going. Plus, there's something I need to talk to you about.”

I already ate.


I thought he wasn't going to come home and I was starving.

But I remember the last time I ate without him and his tone wasn't exactly friendly. So I don't say anything and just help him bring dinner to the dining table where we sit and dish up.

“God, this smells amazing Lee” he smiles at me. “I can see myself coming home to great food every day.”

Great food and not me.

“What do you have to talk to me about?” I clear my throat and avert my eyes to hide my frown.

“Mm right, yes” he swallows his food as I bring my glass of water to my mouth. “I'm going to travel for a bit.”

The water goes down my windpipe and a coughing fit begins. I manage to get it under control and when I look up, he's passing me a tissue.

“Thanks” I croak out, drying my tears, “And what?”

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