I walk out to the backyard and see people in the pool, and music blares all over

I pull my sweatshirt off, leaving me in my bikini and step into the pool

I stay at the side, on my phone, while people are screaming and jumping into the pool

I click on my messages and tap on Jordyn's contact

Me: Where are you?

As my message sends, I feel someone's...abnormally small body press into my back

"Jor?" I question, turning around and seeing Mark, which makes me scream at the top of my lungs

He sends me smirks, and his hands graze my body under the water

"Get off of me!" I scream and kick him in the gut

I lift myself up out of the pool and back up, Mark only follows

"Come here, baby," he sounds, the scent of alcohol lingers over him.

My head shoots to the door when Jordyn comes out, and he swings at Mark the second he gets close enough

Mark stumbles back from the blow, and Amelia comes out of nowhere, pulling me into a hug

I watch as Jordyn throws punches after punches, and Mark is coughing uncontrollably

"Jordyn!" I scream as I watch him beat Mark

His head turns, and his expression softens once he sees me staring at him with terror covering my face

He stands up, spitting at Mark and steps towards me

"Are you okay? Did he touch you?" He asks, cupping my cheeks

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say quietly, and he calms down

He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and he brings me up to my room, locking my door behind us

He lays next to me in my bed and holds onto me tight

"I love you," he says, and I can tell he's still angry

"Jor, calm down," I whisper, and he stays quiet.

He flips over and lays on his stomach

He has had no shirt on since he was swimming earlier, and his back muscles are flexed, showing that he's all tense

"Let go," I say quietly, and nothing happens

I gently trace circles over his back, and his muscles slowly relax, and I can tell he's falling asleep because his breathing evens out

He moves over, so he's lying on me, and when I stop scratching his back, he hums and his eyebrows furrow, telling me not to stop

I continue drawing nothing over his back, and his facial expression softens

I run my free hand through his hair, and he snores quietly, which makes me giggle

Once he's asleep, I lay my hand flat on his back.

His eyelids flutter when he sleeps, I've noticed that recently. And his breathing is so much calmer than when he's awake

It's like sleep is his only escape from everything, his way to silence the world.

I know because I feel the same way

I cover my blanket over us and scratch his back softly with my nails


I woke up and were still in the same position as we were last night

I continue tracing his back with one hand and scroll through my phone with the other

My brother's bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now