"Sign here" my doctor says again

"So, you've been here over the past few days..you can be discharged but you'll ne on strict bed rest until you feel all better." He says

I nod at the very polite man and he leaves

I look over at Jordyn and his are eyes are red and have dark circles underneath

I feel guilty for causing this whole situation and making everyone worry but I can't bring myself to tell him what I've been doing.

The doctor told me I lost two pounds during my stay in the hospital, which I guess is good


"Calm down, I can walk" I say trying to move Jordyn from the door

"They said you need to rest, Jules" he says lifting me into his arms

I lay my head against his shoulder and he carries me into the house

"Hey Julia's back!" Damien cheers getting up

"Really?" Amelia sounds surprised

"Oh my god she is" Kaden says and everybody comes and hugs me the best they can with me being in Jordyn's arms

"Okay I'm taking her up to bed now" he says and walks up the stairs

"I'm not tired, all I've done is sleep for two days" I whine

"Strict. Bed. Rest." He states the words the doctor said

"I'm not pregnant." I grumble and he lays me in my bed

He's about to say something but doesn't.

"Goodnight, princess" he says kissing my forehead and walks out of the room

My blinds are shut but I can still see it's barely light outside

I look at my fingers and trace them in shapes on the sheets

I pick at the skin on my lips with my teeth and after waiting forever to fall asleep I give up

My clock says 2:09am and I feel a sudden urge to cry out of anger because I can't sleep

I hate when I'm up all night because then the next day I'm all crabby and my brother's give me shit for it.

I go to grab my phone and can't find it anywhere

I cover my face with a pillow and scream into it

I sit up and slowly stand out of my bed

It's just walking, I can do that.

I take small steps through my room and when I make it to the door I slowly turn the knob, as quiet as possible

I walk down the hallway and peek into Jordyn's room and he's sleeping like a baby.

Did he not sleep while I was in the hospital?

I slowly walk back down the hallway and down the stairs, using the railing for stability

I don't see anybody downstairs so I wobble to the island counter and sit down

I think about eating something, "just eat something, literally anything." My body tells my brain

My body aches for food but my brain shuts it down and says no immediately

I see me phoneon the counter so I grab it and turn it on, going through messages

There's messages from some classmates asking what happened or where I was but not people I was really close with, I've got atleast a hundred from Mark.

I assume everyone I know already knew my phone wasn't on me, or that I was technically dead.

My brother's bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now