I wipe Jordyns spit from my bottom lip and see him grinning from the corner of my eye

"You two sure you good?" Lukas asks looking between us

"Yeah?" We say in sync and look at each other

"So what did Damien do this time?" I ask getting up

I bend over the island counter to look at them

"Damien heard people talking shit and he got tired of it." Alex mutters

"And the rest of you?" Jordyn says coming up behind me and copies my position beside me

I try hard to ignore him and pay attention to the boys

"We got bored. Well, not really. He brought his friends and tried to catch Damien off guard so we had to help"

"I said I didn't need you goddamn help" Damien snaps

"Who was 'talking shit?'" I ask

They all look at each other silently

"Mark." Mason says washing his cuts in the sink

"Mark?" I raise my eyebrows

I feel Jordyn get closer to me and he nudges me behind the table

"What is going on with you two lately?"

"What? Nothing." I say and give Jordyn a glare

"He's just being extra annoying to me today" I say smiling at them

Jordyn stands up straight and rubs his hand on top of my head as he walks past

"Always, Jules." He says and I hear the smirk in his tone

I roll my eyes and go back up to my room and drop into my bed

Me and Jordyns moment replays in my mind millions of times until I get tired of laying there silently

I cover my face in my hands and sit up then look around

What even happened earlier?


I feel somebody constantly poking the back of my shoulder and groan trying to shrug them off

"Get up."

"Five more minutes" I moan quietly turning my head and clutch my pillow beside me and pulling my leg up beside me

"Jesus, Jules" a voice grumbled behind me lowly

My eyes shoot open and I see Jordyn standing there, barely. The room is dark and my door is closed

"What the fuck Jordyn?" I groan and turn over

"Jules.." he says quietly

"What do you want." I grumble

I hate when people wake me up from naps, it's the only time I get to be alone and away from everybody.

Not to mention I barely got any sleep the night before.

"Sorry..I'll go." He says and I hear a ripple in his tone and he walks towards my door

I sit up and watch him

"Jor" I stop him and he turns around to face me

"What do you need" I ask calmer

"I can't sleep." He says quietly

"Seriously? Are you a baby?" I look at him standing there, he's only wearing Grey sweatpants and no shirt

"Sorry" he says

This is weird, I've never heard him apologize this much in one night..or in general. This guy is not the type to be nice to anyone or care.

My brother's bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now