We sit in our booth and I look at the menu for something that isn't high in calories

Nothing looks appealing but Jordyn isn't gonna agree with me not having something to eat

"What're you gonna get?" He asks

"Probably just a salad" I smile at him and he furrows his eyebrows

"That's it?"

"Mhm" I hum setting my menu aside

"School tomorrow?" I ask

"We should probably go" he says disappointed

I nod


Jordyn pays the bill and we go sit in his car

His hand lands on my thigh and he drives us back home

I hardly touched my salad, which made me feel guilty for making him pay for it. I just don't find food that appetizing anymore

Once we get home we walk inside and the house is dead silent

I go up to my room and kick off my shoes and change into a t-shirt

"I'm tired" I mutter, falling into my bed

Jordyn went to his room so I obviously don't get an answer

I curl up with my pillows, draping my arm over one of them and covered in my blankets

I quickly fall asleep, as I've been looking forward to it since I woke up

After I've been teetering on the brink of slumber for about a half hour my bed sinks beside me and my pillow is pulled from beside me and replaced by a body

I hum and an arm lays over my waist, pulling me against him

"Are you awake?" I hear faintly

I fall asleep before I can hear what else he has to say.

Jordyn's  pov

I toss and turn for a half hour, not able to even get close to sleeping

My bed isn't the same without her in it

I need her.

I get out of my bed and creep down the dark hallway and quietly open Julia's door

She looks like she's already asleep so I contemplate even going in at the risk of waking her up

I bite my lip and carefully get in her bed, replacing her pillow with myself

I grasp her waist and pull her closer to me and she hums in response

"Are you awake?" I whisper

I get no response and feel relief wash over me

"I know your asleep, and you can't hear me...but I love you so much" I mumble

"Since we started getting closer, I can't pull myself away from you. Before, I hated everyone and now I still hate everyone. But now I have you"

"You told me you loved me back, but..I don't know"

"Jules, your my reason to live, yknow.."

"I don't know what I'd do if you weren't with me" I sigh and close my eyes in attempts to sleep


My eyes open and Jordyn is asleep beside me

"Jor" I mumble and nudges his shoulder

"Hm" he hums in a deep grumble

"We should get ready" I say and get out of bed

He groans and I go brush my teeth

I change into a t-shirt and aqeatpants and eventually we get to school


7th period ends, finally dismissing us out of classes for the day

I put my stuff in my locker and walk to my car, spinning my key ring on my finger

I wait for Jordyn but when he doesn't show up, or answer my messages I decide to just go back home

Once I get home I park in the driveway and walk inside and they're plying video games in the basement

I walk downstairs to see what they're up to and I walk up behind Jordyn on the couch

"Hey jor" I say fluffing his hair up

"Can you not?" He snaps brushing you off


"Sorry" I say quietly and he doesn't reply

"What're you guys doing?" I ask

"What does it look like."

"Oh, right.." I breathe heavier and my throat begins to hurt

"I'll just be upstairs.." I mumble and walk up both flights of stairs and go into my room slamming the door behind me

I crawl into my bed and feel my eyes well with tears.

Why am I so upset about this? He barely said anything and your just being dramatic.

This whole day he's been acting off. All day in the classes I have with him he's brushed me off

Not to mention people were talking about him during my classes, girls.

It never upset me when he would out off to me before we got together so I don't know why it is now.

I stay in my room for the remainder of the night

I grow anxious and decide that I should go talk to Jordyn, maybe I just annoyed him

I walk into his room and he barely looks at me before going back to his phone

"Hey..." I say quietly

"What do you need."

"Can we talk?" I ask


"Did I do something wrong?" I say, getting to the point.

"What? Can we not do this?"

"I had to have done something, your acting weird" I say and my eyes burn

"No I'm not."

"Please just talk to me" I say and my lip tries to quiver and I bite down hard on it

"Fine." He says setting his phone down

"Listen. This isn't working Julia, I think we should've just stayed friends" he scratches the back of his neck

My heart sinks and my shoulders slump


"Yeah, I honestly just used you for your virginity. I've been cheating on you this whole time" he says calmly

"Really?" My voice cracks

"Yup" he says making eye contact and his expression changes when he sees tears fall out of my eyes

"Oh...um okay" I say and awkwardly leave the room

I run into my room shutting the door behind me and getting in my bed, breaking into sobs

I hear my door open and I sit up "just leave me alone!" I scream but see Damien standing in the doorway

"What the fuck happened?" He runs up to me and sits on my bed

I fall against his chest, sobbing into him

"He booked up with me" I choke and he hugs Mr

My brother's bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now