A few classes went by, and now it was lunchtime, which was usually my favorite part of the day.

Not anymore

I sit at our usual lunch table, and soon, the whole group sits down

This time, instead of Jordyn sitting across from me and constantly trying to piss me off, he sits beside me

"Hey princess," he says in my ear, and his arm goes around my shoulders

I look at him and flash him a fake smile before looking back at the table

"What's up with you?" Mason asks, looking at me

"Nothing." I say and hold my head in my hands

There's an awkward silence for a few seconds until Jordyn finally speaks

"Well, after school, we should all go to the beach." he states

"Oh my god, yes, it's been so long since I've gone," Amelia cheers

"Sounds fun." Kaden and Lukas agree

"What about you?" Jordyn asks, nudging my shoulder

"Um, yeah." I say and bite my lip, but inside, I really just wanna go die in my bed

"Great," Jordyn smiles, and they all start a conversation

My thoughts drown out their voices, and I think about going to the beach and being in a swimsuit.

Lately, I haven't been in love with my body as I used to.

I decided that I've been eating too much and anything I've tried, like deficits or less sugar isn't helping, so I just stopped

It's only been a few days, and it hasn't started working yet, but I've noticed some changes in my weight, and I plan on making it change more

I hear somebody say my name behind me, which snaps me out of my thoughts, and I turn around, and Mark is standing there

My heart sinks even farther. "Hey baby," he coos and reaches his hand out

"Excuse you?" Jordyn grumbles

"Uhm...babe? Why is his arm around you?" Mark asks me, ignoring what Jordyn had to say

I stare up at him, barely thinking, and he grabs my arm, pulling me out of the cafeteria

"Ow," I say, yanking my arm away from him once we get to the hall

"Why is that dick touching my girlfriend?" He says with an instant change of tone now that we're alone

"Hm?" I hum quietly, I feel my eyes growing heavier, and he slaps me across the face, instantly waking me up

My cheek burns, and my hand covers it

"Baby...I'm sorry," he says with instant regret

"You did not," I say as anger boils in me

"Let's start over," he says grabbing my hand

"No. And don't fucking touch me you fucking pussy. You think you can go around fucking other girls without me finding out and then act like your all innocent in school? Fuck no, never talk to me again" I snap and start walking down the hall

"Wait!" He yells and I stop

I see black dots in my vision until all I see is black and I fall to the ground

I hear talking and somebody lifting me up

Jordyn's pov

I watch Mark pull Julia out of the cafeteria and it takes everything in me to not go and beat his ass into a curb touching my girlfriend that way.

He talks to her in the hallway and she looks like she's drunk, the way she's stumbling

I see him slap her across the face and I lose it. I get up and walk out of the cafeteria and by the time I'm out, Julia is down the hall laying on the ground

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" I scream shoving him over and run to Julia lifting her into my lap

"Fuck, Jules" I panic

"Jules wake up, please" I feel her neck for a pulse

By now the rest of the group has caught up to us and they all gather around

"We need to go to the hospital" Amelia creaks and she looks like she's about to cry

I grab Julia's keys from her pocket and lift her up and quickly make my way to her car

I gently lay her in the back and get in the front

I speed the whole way to the hospital and carry her inside

"I need a doctor" I say as loud as I can without my voice cracking and breaking into tears

They rush out a bed and I lay her down on it and they take her back to a room

"Stay here sir" one of the doctors orders

"But- stay here" he cuts me off

I sit in the waiting room, holding my head in my hands and pulling at my hair

What could he have done to her that I didn't see? I was watching them the whole time

What did this?

After what felt like forever, and probably was. A doctor finally comes out, telling me I can see her

I follow him back to her room and he's sleeping peacefully

I sit down next to her bed and it's just us

"I don't know if you can hear me...but I just want you to know that I'm here for, you."

"I don't know what caused this...if it was.. Mark or, something else"

"Jules, I love you"

She sits silently as she did before and I hold her small hand in mine

I feel my face warm up and my eyes burn as tears drip down my face

I never cry, I hate showing my emotions but this girl flips a switch in me.


"Hey, I'm back" I say to the unconscious Julia

It's been an entire day since her accident, and she still hasn't woken up

I sit back in my same spot and I look at her silently

"I miss you, Jules" I exhale

I sit back in my chair and rub my hands over my eyes

"Jor?" Her voice squeaks

I stand up and grab her hand

"Jules?" My heart lightens from the heavy weight that it's been over the past 24 hours

"What happened?" She asks quietly

"You had an accident, you passed out" I answer urgently


"Almost two days ago, love"

"Do you remember anything?" I ask calmly

She shakes her head and looks up at me

"Do you know why this could have happened?" I hold her hand tighter thinking about that prick touching her

She pauses before shaking her head

My brother's bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now