I wake up in a sweat, and my first thought is to look out the window.

The nighttime street lights shine straight through my large windows, which clearly states it's the middle of the night

I look over at the clock on my nightstand, and it reads 2:12am.

Hi. I'm Julia. A little backstory for me, I'm 17 years old, and I have three older brothers, Damien, the oldest. Kaden, the middle brother, and Lukas, the youngest brother.

I'm the youngest and only sister, so you can imagine how protective they are.

They're best friends, Alex, Mason, and...Jordyn.

It's like having six older brothers CONSTANTLY watching over you and scaring off anyone who lays a finger on you.

I grew up with all of them because, for whatever odd reason, my brothers friends have always hung out at our house.

At this point, I don't even get shocked when they show up unannounced because they've done it since I was like 8.

I climb out of bed and slowly make my way through the dark hallway, feeling the walls to make sure I don't fall.

I feel the drop in front of me and grip the railing while I go down the dark staircase

I close my eyes while rubbing them and bump into something hard in front of me.

I open my eyes to see a dark..tall silhouette looking down at me, and I squint, trying to figure out who it is.

"Excuse you," a familiar, scarily deep voice says.

"Jordyn?" I croak.

"Yes, princess?"

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that stupid name." I grumble while walking into the kitchen using the little bit of light from the street lights coming in the window.

"Did you? I don't remember.." he says following you and sitting at the island

"I hate you." I whine and grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it with water from the fridge.

"I love you too, little sis," he says

"I'm not your sister, you freak."

I've been in some frenemy, love-hate friendship with Jordyn as long as I've known him, I don't totally remember why.

But I know it doesn't need to be a good reason because why should I like him anyways.

"You kind of are," he says lowly.

I ignore him and drink from the glass of cold water.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I ask, setting the glass down. "Why aren't you?"

"I asked first." I furrow my eyebrows at his audacity. "First is the worst second is the best." He says with that same stupid grin he's always given me

"You're so childish. I'm going back to bed, " I say and dump my water out, then walk towards the stairs

"Don't let the bed bugs bite," he says and follows me until I go into my room, and he continues to my brother's.

I roll my eyes after I close my door and climb back into my bed, then pick my phone up.

I rub my eyes once again and adjust to my phones brightness. I scroll through Instagram for a little bit before getting a text.

I click the top of my screen, and it switches to chats with.. Jordyn?

Jordyn: You're not sleeping

Me: What?

Jordyn: you said your going to bed

My brother's bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now