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"YOU GUYS NEED TO LEAVE, NOW!" barked out John startling the life out the boys at his sudden appearance.

"What- what happened?" asked I.N fearfully

"They found out. I don't know how, but they did. If they catch you guys now, you guys won't have a chance to escape. Ever." hurriedly explained John as he swiftly worked on getting rid of the chains that kept the boys bound.

"Here. I brought you guys two satellite communications devices, just in case one doesn't work and also the key card for your bracelets." spoke John, giving the devices to Chan and Changbin and the key card to Lee Know, who began working on getting rid of the said item.

"We can't leave just yet. Can we not wait a bit longer?" pleaded Han

"Felix is still out there!"

"I know, but I'm 100% sure they won't do anything to him, and getting your friend back now is impossible."

"But -"

"I'm sorry guys, but this is your only chance. If you guys manage to escape, then you can ask for help from the police and I'm sure they'll take down this gang and rescue Felix."

"What about you?" asked Hyunjin


"Yeah. If they know everything now. Won't you get into huge trouble?"

"I... I haven't thought about that"

"Then why not leave with us. You've been helping us so much. It's the least we can do." suggested Changbin

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Plus, I need to stay back to make sure no one follows you guys."


The first bomb exploded.......

"We need to leave, now! Come on!"

The boys wearily follow John, swiftly turning corners and pacing through the dim hallways. Luck was truly on their side as they didn't encounter any guards on the way.

It didn't take long for them to reach the escape route tunnels.


The second bomb exploded......

"Who has the map?"

"I do" answered Seungmin as he unfolded the paper as quickly as possible.

"We're here." pointed John

"All you guys need to do is follow this path. You should find yourself outside when you reach where 'X' marks the spot. Remember, make sure to run as far as you can and avoid splitting up. Once past the borders, you guys can call for help."

"Thank you for helping us. We'll forever be indebted to you." greatfully bowed Chan followed by the others.

"No worries. Now go. Good luck!" bid John as he ushered them to go.


The third bomb exploded.....

"Guys, we don't have much time" worried Han as he ran side by side with the rest, falling prey to the endless corners they had to turn.

"We're almost there!"


The fourth bomb exploded....

At this point, they were zooming.

They could hear the chaos happening back there. They prayed that their precious sunshine was alright and didn't get hurt in the process.

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