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JYP has landed a deal with one of the biggest companies, who surprisingly reached out to them first, in exchange for them to let their most popular boy group SKZ to be the first ones to participate in one of their newest challenges in a camera-free environment.

And who was JYP to say no? So he wasn't surprised to see them break one of the most important rules established in their company.

'Before engaging in any work or personal activities, it should be accepted by their management team for their own safety'

But of course, Straykids are only kids and what do kids do when rules are established? Break them...

"Are we too predictable?" cheekily asked Han

"Well duh! When was the last time we have ever followed any rules?" sassily replied Lee Know

"The contract has been signed so you guys have to do this challenge either way and luckily you guys seem to be eager to participate..." began JYP

"So let me go over the rules and regulations. As you may have gathered this challenge will last for 10 days. Here are the rules:

1.You will be shown a boundary which will get smaller each day. If you step even a single cell out of these boundaries you will be eliminated.

2.You must wear these ankle bracelets at all times which will monitor your health and location in case of any emergencies.

3.All resources will be found in the premises of the woods and each one of you will be provided with a survival bag including a map of the area.

4.If you win, any wish of yours will be granted no matter how big or small it is. This goes for everyone who lasts for 10 days. All 8 of you can be the winner or none of you could win so your mentality and teamwork should be strong if you want to multiply your winnings.

5.In case of any emergencies, just press the red button on the bracelet.

6.If you wish to stop participating in this game then just press the blue button on the bracelet.

7. and finally, you must not contact or ask for help from anyone outside the challenge." read out JYP from the contract from his phone.

"Any questions?"

"So what would happen if we get eliminated?" nervously asked Felix

"Well, I assume you don't get your wish granted and you have lost the game" answered JYP

"Hey Felix don't worry, we got this. We'll never leave you behind" assured Chan


"We promise."

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