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"Look who I found yesterday" spoke Lee Know the next morning while Bangchan cooked breakfast as the rest of the members sat chatting about the plans for the day.

"Leebit" exclaimed Felix shoked.

"Hyung! Don't hold him by the ears you're hurting him!" panickly stated Felix as he gently took the trembling animal into his tiny hands.

"Oh poor thing. Let's get you warmed up and fed. Where were you this whole time? Don't worry me like that again, ok?" Felix spoke to the rabbit like it could understand him while he made his way towards one of the tents to look for a blanket while the rest of the members continued with what they were doing being used to this.

"Why do you look angry tho?" asked Bangchan as he stirred the food in the pot.

"Well look what I found attached to that rat" spoke Lee Know as he handed the familiar looking letter they found a day ago.

"What in the- it's exactly the same letter except this time it's congratulating us on reaching Day 3 and..." read Bangchan

"and what?" questioned Han

"and this time it says that they got what they want?"

"What is that suppose to mean?" asked Changbin

"What do you mean 'they got what they want'? Like what even are their motives?" spoke I.N confused

"Whatever the hell is going on, I don't care. Right now, we need to make sure everyone's safe and alright."

"Has anyone checked on Hyunjin and Seungmin?" asked Felix once he got back

"I don't think so. We thought to let them rest for a bit longer and take their food to their tents after we finish or something. Btw where is that thing?" answered Lee Know



"Hyuuung, it's name is Leebit. You were there when I named it" whined Felix

"aaand I put him to sleep in the makeshift bed I made him the day we found him"

"That's so sweet of you lixie" praised Bangchan

"Now come sit down and eat your breakfast. I'm sure you must be hungry after all that hardwork, right?" said Bangchan trying to convince Felix to eat his breakfast.

"It's alright hyung, I'll eat when the other two wake up. Actually, do you think I can go wake them up right now or maybe check up on them?" pleaded Felix while giving the best puppy eyes he could muster (even though he didn't need to cause come on who would say no to him?)

"If you don't mind, that'll be quite helpful" answered Changbin

"Ok be right back"

"Hey doesn't this somehow feel like deja vu to you guys?" remembered Han as he watched Felix go into the green tent.

"I see where you're coming from but don't be so pessimistic. Now come on finish your food" replied Changbin

"Yeah you give me deja vu~"

"Oh my god damn, I.N this is not the time"

"Init bro finish your food"

"Ok chill guys, I just needed to sing that cause I'm an Atiny"

"You mean WE are Atiny"

"Anyways Stan Ateez and become a Staytiny everyone~!" laughed Changbin lifting up the tense atmosphere from earlier.

"Yeah staytiny for life!"

10 Days - (SKZ OT8)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang