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"Hyung! What did you do?! You monster!" hissed Hyunjin trying to break free from the rusted chains trapping his body to go and kill this man for hurting his hyung.

When one of the men dragged in a blooded and bruised Lee Know, they knew they couldn't just sit there and wait for something to happen. Yes, they felt extremely sorry for the man but that didn't justify the man's cruel actions.

He was so blinded by hatred and revenge that he didn't realise that he was ruining the lives of 8 innocent young boys that still had their whole lives to live.

"Well, you see, Lee Know here was all part of the plan. I planned to blackmail him into working with me, which I succeeded in, in return for your safety. However, when he realised that I wasn't keeping my part of the agreement he started acting up but I still had the upper hand so instead he thought he could trick me and pretend that he was following my orders. Too bad he couldn't do anythings anyways because you see those bracelets on your foot?"

At the mention of the item, the boys looked down wearily.

"That's actually to make it impossible for you guys to escape and go past the barriers. The only fault was that everyday the signal would get weaker and weaker so you guys had to stay in a certain mile radius hence the first rule of the game was made. If you left, you would feel an intense electric shock that would last until you get back into the area. Of course by Day 10 we will have to take it off as it'd be useless but that gives us enough time to execute my perfect plan." crazily laughed the 'Leader' as he fantasised about his victory.

The boys could not do anything except sit there with their mouths hung open at the revelation.

Lee Know was starting to come back to conscious while still being pinned down by two buff men and unconsciously made eye contact with his bandmates.

Oh, how he wished he never woke up...

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