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"Is everyone ok?" asked Chan, checking his members for any injuries.

"Yep, we're fine"

Jumping into an unknown ditch to save a rabbit without thinking wasn't a smart idea, was it?

Well, now they know.

"Now we need to find a way out, but how?" questioned Chan as he shone his flashlight around to view the content of this place.

"Hyung, look" pointed out Felix

"It looks like there's a passage way here"

"Then let's go. We can't waste anymore time. If we stay any longer we might get into huge trouble." said Chan as he began to inspect the area a bit more when it suddenly lowered as he laid his hand on a specific area.


"Come on, this may lead to somewhere. Let's go." hurried Changbin, not wanting to waste any more time.

The three followed Changbin inside, now realising how spacious and cleanly carved this place was.

What even was this place? All they knew was that they had never seen anything like this.

"I see an opening that looks like a... door?" informed Changbin feeling a bit sceptical, douting his view questioning why a door was placed underground.

As they neared the end of the tunnel, they could hear muffled voices.


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